
Difference between revisions of "Clips to subtitle"

From Vanimedia

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|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0023|0023]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:700428IP.LA_clip3.mp3|700428IP.LA_clip3.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:Before that moment (death) comes, one should be very dexterous to realize Krsna conscious|Be Kṛṣṇa Conscious Before Death]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|03:11 || Los Angeles || Lecture - ISO
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0023|0023]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:700428IP.LA_clip3.mp3|700428IP.LA_clip3.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:Before that moment (death) comes, one should be very dexterous to realize Krsna conscious|Be Kṛṣṇa Conscious Before Death]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|03:11 || Los Angeles || Lecture - ISO
|- id="link 0024"
|- id="link 0024"
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0024|0024]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:741126SB.BOM_clip.mp3|741126SB.BOM_clip.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:When I take this Bhagavad-gita book, I see one picture, that Krsna is so kind that He has taken the chariot driver, sarathi, of Arjuna. He is His devotee. So Sri Krsna is so kind that He can accept the position of a servant because Arjuna was ordering| Kṛṣṇa Is So Kind]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|04:01 || Bombay || Lecture - SB
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0024|0024]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:741126SB.BOM_clip.mp3|741126SB.BOM_clip.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:When I take this Bhagavad-gita book, I see one picture, that Krsna is so kind that He has taken the chariot driver, sarathi, of Arjuna. He is His devotee. So Sri Krsna is so kind that He can accept the position of a servant because Arjuna was ordering|Kṛṣṇa Is So Kind]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|04:01 || Bombay || Lecture - SB
|- id="link 0025"
|- id="link 0025"
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0025|0025]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:770102R2-BOM_clip1.mp3|770102R2-BOM_clip1.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:You have performed a miracle. God, Krsna, has performed miracle through you. It's just very amazing, greatest miracle on earth. I just feel so strongly about it| Prabhupada Performs A Miracle]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|05:22 || Bombay || Conversation
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0025|0025]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:770102R2-BOM_clip1.mp3|770102R2-BOM_clip1.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:You have performed a miracle. God, Krsna, has performed miracle through you. It's just very amazing, greatest miracle on earth. I just feel so strongly about it|Prabhupada Performs A Miracle]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|05:22 || Bombay || Conversation
|- id="link 0026"
|- id="link 0026"
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0026|0026]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:751225LE.SAN_clip1.mp3|751225LE.SAN_clip1.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:Vivasvan, the sun-god, he explained to Manu, and Manu explained to his son (Iksvaku). In this way, by the disciplic succession the knowledge has come down| By Disciplic Succession Knowledge Has Come Down]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|05:28 || Sanand || Lecture - General
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0026|0026]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:751225LE.SAN_clip1.mp3|751225LE.SAN_clip1.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:Vivasvan, the sun-god, he explained to Manu, and Manu explained to his son (Iksvaku). In this way, by the disciplic succession the knowledge has come down|By Disciplic Succession Knowledge Has Come Down]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|05:28 || Sanand || Lecture - General
|- id="link 0027"
|- id="link 0027"
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0027|0027]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:741207SB.BOM_clip2.mp3|741207SB.BOM_clip2.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:I have got hundreds and thousands of servants who I haven't got to pay. This is spiritual relationship|This Is Spiritual Relationship]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|03:00 || Bombay || Lecture - SB
|align="center"|[[Table:_Multi-language_Subtitle_Results_for_Vanimedia#link 0027|0027]] ||  || [[vaniquotes:File:741207SB.BOM_clip2.mp3|741207SB.BOM_clip2.mp3]] || [[Vaniquotes:I have got hundreds and thousands of servants who I haven't got to pay. This is spiritual relationship|This Is Spiritual Relationship]] ||  || align="center"|0 || align="center"|03:00 || Bombay || Lecture - SB

Revision as of 15:39, 28 April 2013

Tables Relating to the Project

Table of Clips to Subtitle

Short 1 to 9 Minute Clips to Subtitle Table

  • In these tables we place information relating to the Multi-language subtitle project of Vanimedia. You can read about the whole project here.
  • Each column is sortable.
  • Column 1: Clip Number - A unique number allotted to each file;
  • Column 2: Subtitle Text - The transcribed text in English ready to be translated by you in your language;
  • Column 3: Clip Name By Date - The audio clip for you to listen to, sortable by date, the first 2 numbers equals the year, then month, then day;
  • Column 4: Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip - The text and audio clip as presented in Vaniquotes for you to hear and read if you want;
  • Column 5: Video Link - The link to the Video on YouTube with existing subtitles for you to check your translation;
  • Column 6: Languages - The number of languages that have the subtitles already translated in;
  • Column 7: Duration (mm:ss) - The duration of the audio clip that is being used;
  • Column 8: Location - The place where Srila Prabhupada gave the lecture;
  • Column 9: Description - The scripture that Srila Prabhupada is lecturing on. BG = Bhagavad-gītā; CC = Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta; SB = Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam; ISO = Śrī ĪŚopaniṣad

Clip Number Dotsub Video or Subtitle Text Clip Name By Date Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip YouTube Video Languages Duration (mm:ss) Location Description

Table of Purports to Songs for Subtitles

In 1974, in his forward to the Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas produced by Acyutananda Svami, Śrīla Prabhupāda writes the following;

I am greatly pleased to see this collection of songs composed by Thakura Bhaktivinoda, Narottama dasa, and other great acaryas of the Gaudiya Vaisnava community (sampradaya). Songs composed by the acaryas are not ordinary songs. When chanted by pure Vaisnavas who follow the rules and regulations of Vaisnava character, they are actually effective in awakening the Kṛṣṇa consciousness dormant in every living entity. I have advised Śrīman Acyutananda Svami to sing more songs of the Vaisnava padavali and record them in books so that my disciples and others in the Western countries may take advantage of this chanting and thus advance in Kṛṣṇa consciousness more and more.

Śrīla Prabhupāda delivers many spiritually potent insights as he explains the meanings of the great acaryas devotional songs. Please take the honor of translating the first of Śrīla Prabhupāda's YouTube song purports in your own language.

Longer 2 to 15 Minute Clips to Subtitle

(a total of 4 hours, 13 minutes and 26 seconds of audio)

  • Each column is sortable.
  • Column 1: Clip No. - A unique number allotted to each file;
  • Column 2: DotSub Links - The transcribed text in English ready to be translated by you in your language;
  • Column 3: Vaniquotes Audio Clip of Purport - Link to the Vaniquotes page with the purport for you to listen to while reading the text;
  • Column 4: Vanisource Song and Purport - The song along with purport as presented in Vanisource for you to also hear and read if you want;
  • Column 5: Date - Date of recording the purport;
  • Column 6: Location - The place where Śrīla Prabhupāda spoke the purport;
  • Column 7: YouTube Links - The link to the Video on YouTube with existing subtitles for you to check your translation;
  • Column 8: (mm:ss) - The duration of the audio clip to be translated.

Clip No. DotSub Links Vaniquotes Page with Audio Vanisource Song and Purport Date Location YouTube Links (mm:ss)