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From Vanimedia

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*[[:Multi-language Subtitle Project]]
[[Category:Multi-language Subtitle Project]]
{{youtube_right|VS6fcaQprqE|Vanimedia Multilingual Subtitle Project Introduction}}
*[[:Table: Translating Teams for Vanimedia|Translating Teams]]
*[[:Table: Languages to Subtitle for Vanimedia|Languages to Subtitle]]
*[[:Table: Multi-language Subtitle Results for Vanimedia|Multi-language Subtitle Results]]
{| class="wikitable sortable collapsible" border="2"
!Clip No!!Duration (mm:ss)!!Languages!!Video Link!!Vaniquotes Page with Audio Clip!!width="100"|Location!!width="180"|Description!!width="180"|Clip Name
|align="center"|0001||align="center"|04:36||align="center"|34||align="center"|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG60mjnVoaw Video]||[[Vaniquotes:Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely. Suppose you have got now ten thousand. We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million|Expand To Ten Million]]||Mayapur||Lecture - CC||[[vaniquotes:File:750406CC.MAY_clip.mp3|750406CC.MAY_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0002||align="center"|08:26||align="center"|04||align="center"|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQNwYNDT8E4 Video (preview)]||[[Vaniquotes:So this civilization, modern civilization, is just like madman civilization. They have no knowledge of past life, neither they are interested in the future life|Madman Civilization]]||New Orleans||Lecture - SB||[[vaniquotes:File:750801SB.NO_clip1.mp3|750801SB.NO_clip1.mp3]]
|align="center"|0003||align="center"|03:52||align="center"|00||align="center"|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqfH_LqtlII Video (preview)]||[[Vaniquotes:You do not think that only woman is woman. The man is also woman. Don't think that the woman is condemned; man is not. Woman means enjoyed, and man means enjoyer. So this feeling, this feeling is condemned|Man Is Also Woman]]||Vrndavana||Lecture - SB||[[vaniquotes:File:750901SB.VRN_clip.mp3|750901SB.VRN_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0004||align="center"|06:58||align="center"|00||align="center"|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZUfrowyWFw Video (preview)]||[[Vaniquotes:Don't surrender to any nonsense. You have to... And how that intelligent or nonsense can be found out? That is also mentioned in the sastra. That is mentioned in the Katha Upanisad|Don't Surrender To Any Nonsense]]||New York||Lecture - BG||[[vaniquotes:File:670101BG.NY_clip.mp3|670101BG.NY_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0005||align="center"|03:07||align="center"|00||align="center"|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUhtc-CN4P0 Video (preview)] ||[[Vaniquotes:I was born in 1896, and I was my father's pet child, so my education began a little late, still, I was educated in higher secondary, high school for eight years. In primary school four years, higher secondary school, eight years, in college, four years|Prabhupada's Life In 3 Minutes]]||Seattle||Conversation - Interview||[[vaniquotes:File:680924IV-SEA_clip.mp3|680924IV-SEA_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0006||align="center"|04:00||align="center"|00|| ||[[vaniquotes:We are willingly, against the principle of religion that "Thou shalt not kill," we have opened so many thousands of slaughterhouse, giving a nonsense theory that the animal has no soul. Just see the fun.|Everyone Is God - Fool's Paradise]]||Los Angeles||Lecture - SB||[[vaniquotes:File:731226SB.LA_clip.mp3|731226SB.LA_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0007||align="center"|04:36||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:A vaisya will find out some business. He'll find out some business. So there is a practical story|Kṛṣṇa's Maintenance Will Come]]||Vrndavana||Lecture - SB||[[vaniquotes:File:740803SB.VRN_clip.mp3|740803SB.VRN_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0008||align="center"|04:17||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:Indians are meant for para-upakara. Indians are not meant for exploiting others. That is not Indians' business. Indian history is all along for para-upakara|Kṛṣṇa Claims That "I Am Everyone's Father"]]||London||Lecture - Festival||[[vaniquotes:File:730821JM.LON_clip2.mp3|730821JM.LON_clip2.mp3]]
|align="center"|0009||align="center"|04:18||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:The thief who wanted to plunder child Krsna's jewels|The Thief Who Became A Devotee]]||Los Angeles||Lecture - SB||[[vaniquotes:File:720815SB.LA_clip.mp3|720815SB.LA_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0010||align="center"|04:05||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:These sixteen thousand wives, how they became wives? You know the story, that many beautiful, sixteen thousand beautiful, I mean to say, king's daughters were kidnapped by the asura. What is the name of that asura? Bhaumasura|Don't Try To Imitate Kṛṣṇa]]||Mayapur||Lecture - SB||[[vaniquotes:File:760216SB.MAY_clip.mp3|760216SB.MAY_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0011||align="center"|02:52||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, there is a story... Not story. Fact. It is described there that one brahmana - he was a great devotee - he wanted to offer very brilliant service, arcana, in the temple worship. But he had no money|One Can Worship Kṛṣṇa Within The Mind]]||Bombay||Lecture - BG||[[vaniquotes:File:740417BG.BOM_clip.mp3|740417BG.BOM_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0012||align="center"|06:31||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:So don't believe your so-called senses as the source of knowledge. No. The source of knowledge should be by hearing|The Source Of Knowledge Should Be By Hearing]]||Hawaii||Lecture - BG||[[vaniquotes:File:750203BG.HAW_clip.mp3|750203BG.HAW_clip.mp3]]
|align="center"|0013||align="center"|03:51||align="center"|00|| ||[[Vaniquotes:I am here, always working, something reading or writing, something reading or writing, twenty-four hours. Simply when I feel hungry, I take some food. And simply when I feel asleep, I go to bed|Twenty-four Hours Engagement]]||New York||Lecture - BG||[[vaniquotes:File:660405BG.NY_clip.mp3|660405BG.NY_clip.mp3]]
==Tables Relating to the Project==
*In these tables - with sortable columns - is information relating to the Multi-language subtitle project of Vanimedia. *You can  [[:Multi-language Subtitle Project|'''read about the whole project,''']] receive some [[:Multi-language_Subtitle_Project#Starting_Your_Seva|'''instructions for translators to start serving''']] and see the [[:The Vani-servants who are Uniting Srila Prabhupada's Multi-lingual Family|'''empowered results of the translators who are already serving.''']]
'''[[:Table: Multi-language Subtitle Results for Vanimedia|Multi-language Subtitle Results]] -- [[:Table: Translating Teams for Vanimedia|Translating Teams]] -- [[:Table: Languages to Subtitle for Vanimedia|Languages to Subtitle]] -- [[:Uniting Srila Prabhupada's Multi-lingual Family|YouTube Videos With Themes]] -- [[:Vaniquotes:Category:Prabhupada Speaks - Pages with Videos|Vaniquotes Pages]] -- [http://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AliYCt4UiDGddFN2VlZkNWVocnNBV3RRUnRqSEdleWc&usp=sharing Spreadsheet of Results]'''
==Table of Clips to Subtitle==
===Short 1 to 11 Minute Clips to Subtitle===
*'''Clip No.''' = A unique number allotted to each file and linkable to the [[:Table: Multi-language Subtitle Results for Vanimedia|'''Results table''']]; '''DotSub Links''' = The link to the Dotsub video ready to be translated by you in your language; '''Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip''' = The text and audio clip as presented in Vaniquotes for hearing and reading.; '''YouTube Links''' = The link to the Video on YouTube; '''(mm:ss)''' = The duration of the audio clip; '''Location''' = The place where Srila Prabhupada gave the lecture; '''Description''' = The scripture and verse that Srila Prabhupada is lecturing on, i.e. '''BG''' = Bhagavad-gītā; '''CC''' = Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta; '''SB''' = Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam; '''ISO''' = Śrī ĪŚopaniṣad; '''NOD''' = Nectar of Devotion
{{Clips to subtitle}} <!--- This page is now a template at http://vanimedia.org/wiki/Template:Clips_to_subtitle --->
[[Category: Administrative Development Pages]]
{{Bhajans to subtitle}} <!--- Template for the bhajans to subtitle table found here: http://vanimedia.org/wiki/Template:Bhajans_to_subtitle --->

Latest revision as of 05:18, 17 July 2018

Vanimedia Multilingual Subtitle Project Introduction

Tables Relating to the Project

Multi-language Subtitle Results -- Translating Teams -- Languages to Subtitle -- YouTube Videos With Themes -- Vaniquotes Pages -- Spreadsheet of Results

Table of Clips to Subtitle

Short 1 to 11 Minute Clips to Subtitle

  • Clip No. = A unique number allotted to each file and linkable to the Results table; DotSub Links = The link to the Dotsub video ready to be translated by you in your language; Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip = The text and audio clip as presented in Vaniquotes for hearing and reading.; YouTube Links = The link to the Video on YouTube; (mm:ss) = The duration of the audio clip; Location = The place where Srila Prabhupada gave the lecture; Description = The scripture and verse that Srila Prabhupada is lecturing on, i.e. BG = Bhagavad-gītā; CC = Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta; SB = Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam; ISO = Śrī ĪŚopaniṣad; NOD = Nectar of Devotion

Clip No. DotSub Links Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip YouTube Links (mm:ss) Location Description

Table of Purports to Songs for Subtitles

In 1974, in his forward to the Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas produced by Acyutananda Svami, Śrīla Prabhupāda writes the following;

I am greatly pleased to see this collection of songs composed by Thakura Bhaktivinoda, Narottama dasa, and other great acaryas of the Gaudiya Vaisnava community (sampradaya). Songs composed by the acaryas are not ordinary songs. When chanted by pure Vaisnavas who follow the rules and regulations of Vaisnava character, they are actually effective in awakening the Kṛṣṇa consciousness dormant in every living entity. I have advised Śrīman Acyutananda Svami to sing more songs of the Vaisnava padavali and record them in books so that my disciples and others in the Western countries may take advantage of this chanting and thus advance in Kṛṣṇa consciousness more and more.

Śrīla Prabhupāda delivers many spiritually potent insights as he explains the meanings of the great acaryas devotional songs. Please take the honor of translating the first of Śrīla Prabhupāda's YouTube song purports in your own language.

Longer 2 to 15 Minute Clips to Subtitle

(a total of 4 hours, 13 minutes and 26 seconds of audio)

  • Each column is sortable.
  • Column 1: Clip No. - A unique number allotted to each file;
  • Column 2: DotSub Links - The transcribed text in English ready to be translated by you in your language;
  • Column 3: Vaniquotes Audio Clip of Purport - Link to the Vaniquotes page with the purport for you to listen to while reading the text;
  • Column 4: Vanisource Song and Purport - The song along with purport as presented in Vanisource for you to also hear and read if you want;
  • Column 5: Date - Date of recording the purport;
  • Column 6: Location - The place where Śrīla Prabhupāda spoke the purport;
  • Column 7: YouTube Links - The link to the Video on YouTube with existing subtitles for you to check your translation;
  • Column 8: (mm:ss) - The duration of the audio clip to be translated.

Clip No. DotSub Links Vaniquotes Page with Audio Vanisource Song and Purport Date Location YouTube Links (mm:ss)