Table: Clips to subtitle

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Tables Relating to the Project

Clips to Subtitle Table

In this table we place information relating to the Multi-language subtitle project of Vanimedia. You can read about it here.

  • Column One: Clip Number - A unique number allotted to each file.
  • Column Two: Subtitle Text - The transcribed text in English ready to be translated by you in your language.
  • Column Three: Clip Name By Date - The audio clip for you to listen to if you want to.
  • Column Four: Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip - The text and audio clip as presented in Vaniquotes for you to hear and read if you want.
  • Column Five: Video Link - The link to the Video on YouTube with existing subtitles for you to check your translation.
  • Column Six: Languages - The number of languages that have the subtitles already translated in.
  • Column Seven: Duration (mm:ss) - The duration of the audio clip that being used.
  • Column Eight: Location - The place where Srila Prabhupada gave the lecture.
  • Column Nine: Description - The scripture that Srila Prabhupada is lecturing on.

Clip Number Duration (mm:ss) Languages Subtitle Text Video Link Vaniquotes Page With Audio Clip Location Description Clip Name By Date
0014 02:45 00 Devotees Are So Exalted Calcutta Lecture - NOD 730130ND.CAL_clip.mp3
0015 04:57 00 I Am Not This Body New York Lecture - BG 661226BG.NY_clip2.mp3
0016 02:55 00 I Want To Work San Francisco Lecture - BG 680317BG-SF_clip.mp3
0017 04:21 00 Spiritual Energy And Material Energy San Francisco Lecture - BG 700502IP.LA_clip2.mp3
0018 06:24 00 Firmly Faithful At The Lotus Feet Of Guru Philadelphia Lecture - SB 750712SB.PHI_clip.mp3
0019 02:36 00 Hear, Chant and Write San Francisco Lecture - SB 670323SB-SF_clip.mp3