YouTube Videos with Themes

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Revision as of 16:04, 31 May 2013 by Visnu Murti (talk | contribs)

This chart shows all of the video clips that we have so far placed onto the Vanimedia YouTube Channel along with the themes that Srila Prabhupada addresses within each clip. Each column is sortable to faciliate finding a video of your interest.

  • Our Goal in this multi-language subtitle project is to publish 1,080 videos by Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja Festival in August of 2014.
  • Each video clip is ranges from 1 to 10 minutes and is subtitled in multiple languages.
  • The first pilot-project video was published on the 19 March 2013 and on 7 May 2013 we published the 2nd video.
  • As of the 31st of May 2013 we have published 81 videos - thats more than three a day!

Tables Relating to the Project

--- Multi-language Subtitle Results --- Translating Teams --- Clips to subtitle --- Languages to Subtitle ---

Clip Number YouTube Video Theme One Theme Two Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0001 Expand To Ten Million Becoming Guru Direct instruction to disciples Do not speculate Follow the Acaryas Spreading Krsna consciousness
0002 Madman Civilization Four regulative principles Goal of KC Movement Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization Theme Five
0003 Man Is Also Woman Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Theme Five
0004 Don't Surrender To Any Nonsense Becoming Guru Direct instruction to disciples Freedom from materiality The object of surrender Theme Five
0005 Prabhupada's Life In 3 Minutes Prabhupada's pastimes Theme Two Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0006 Everyone Is God - Fool's Paradise Animal killing Importance of inquiry Misdirected civilization Turn to Guru Theme Five
0007 Kṛṣṇa's Maintenance Will Come Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Theme Five
0008 Kṛṣṇa Claims That "I Am Everyone's Father" Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0009 The Thief Who Became A Devotee Explanatory story to audience False gods Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Theme Five
0010 Don't Try To Imitate Kṛṣṇa Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0011 One Can Worship Kṛṣṇa Within The Mind Explanatory story to audience Meditation on God Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0012 The Source Of Knowledge Should Be By Hearing Do not speculate Explanatory story to audience Hear to receive Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru
0013 Twenty-four Hours Engagement Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Receive knowledge Theme Four Theme Five
0014 Devotees Are So Exalted Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Theme Four Theme Five
0015 I Am Not This Body Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Maya's potencies Meditation on God Transmigration of the soul
0016 I Want To Work Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Theme Four Theme Five
0017 Spiritual Energy And Material Energy Characteristics of creation Description of human society Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Theme Five
0018 Firmly Faithful At The Lotus Feet Of Guru Explanatory story to audience Transmigration of the soul Turn to Guru Theme Four Theme Five
0019 Whatever You are Hearing, You Should Say to Others Devotional service Hear to receive Importance of inquiry Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness
0020 To Understand Kṛṣṇa Is Not So Easy Thing Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Maya's potencies Reason for God's appearance Worldly affairs
0021 Why So Many Divorces In This Country Enjoyer and enjoyed Goal of KC Movement Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Theme Five
0022 Kṛṣṇa Is Not Hungry Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Transmigration of the soul
0023 Be Kṛṣṇa Conscious Before Death Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge Transmigration of the soul
0024 Kṛṣṇa Is So Kind Devotee's influence Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Theme Five
0025 If We Give Genuine Thing, it Will Act Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Prabhupada's pastimes
0026 You Are First of all Transferred to the Universe Where Krishna is Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul Theme Five
0027 They do Not Know That There is Next Life Goal of KC Movement Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge Transmigration of the soul
0028 Buddha Is God Characteristics of creation Devotee's influence Maya's potencies Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness
0029 Buddha Cheated The Demons Animal killing Misdirected civilization Reason for God's appearance Theme Four Theme Five
0030 Kṛṣṇa Is Simply Enjoying Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies The object of surrender
0031 Live by my Words, by my Training Characteristics of creation Direct instruction to disciples Prabhupada's pastimes Turn to Guru Theme Five
0032 Whatever I Have To Speak, I Have Spoken In My Books Characteristics of creation Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Theme Four Theme Five
0033 Mahāprabhu's Name Is Patita-pāvana Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Theme Four Theme Five
0034 Everyone Receives Knowledge From Authority Characteristics of creation Hear to receive Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Turn to Guru
0035 Kṛṣṇa Is Proprietor Of The Body Becoming Guru Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Krishna's omnipotence Theme Five
0036 The Goal Of Our Life Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization Turn to Guru Worldly affairs
0037 Anyone Who Knows Kṛṣṇa, He Is Guru Becoming Guru Characteristics of creation Follow the Acaryas Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge
0038 Knowledge Is Derived From The Vedas Imperfections of living being Learn to see God Receive knowledge Theme Four Theme Five
0039 Modern Leader Is Just Like A Puppet Characteristics of creation Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge
0040 Here Is One Supreme Person False gods Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Theme Five
0041 Present Life, it is Full of Inauspicity Freedom from materiality Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Theme Four Theme Five
0042 This Initiation, Take it Very Seriously Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples Four regulative principles The object of surrender Transmigration of the soul
0043 Bhagavad-gita is the Basic Principle Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness
0044 Service Means that you Obey the Order of the Master Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Freedom from materiality Maya's potencies Theme Five
0045 The Object of Knowledge is Called Jneyam Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge The object of surrender
0046 You Don't Become Animal - Counteract Description of human society Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs
0047 Krishna is Absolute Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Meditation on God
0048 Aryan Civilization Animal killing Description of human society Krishna's omnipotence Theme Four Theme Five
0049 We are Bound Up by the Laws of Nature Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0050 They do not Know What is Next Life Description of human society Four regulative principles Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge
0051 Dull Brain Cannot Understand What is Beyond this Body Four regulative principles Importance of inquiry Misdirected civilization Spreading Krsna consciousness Turn to Guru
0052 Difference Between Bhakta and Karmi Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Worldly affairs
0053 First Thing is We Must Hear Freedom from materiality Hear to receive Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0054 Everyone is Simply Giving Krishna Trouble Chant Hare Krishna Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0055 Touching Krishna by Aural Reception Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Follow the Acaryas Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0056 There are Twelve Authorities Mentioned in the Sastras Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation Follow the Acaryas Reason for God's appearance Theme Five
0057 Cleansing the Heart Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0058 Spiritual Body Means Eternal Life Characteristics of creation Learn to see God Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul Theme Five
0059 Do Not Forget Your Real Business Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Imperfections of living being Importance of inquiry
0060 Life Cannot Come From Matter Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Theme Four Theme Five
0061 This Body is a Bag of Skin, Bone, Blood Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs
0062 See Twenty-four Hours Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Maya's potencies Meditation on God
0063 I Should Be a Great Mrdanga Player Becoming Guru Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge Theme Five
0064 Siddhi Means Perfection of Life Characteristics of creation Devotee's influence Prabhupada's pastimes Theme Four Theme Five
0065 Everyone Will be Happy Animal killing Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Meditation on God
0066 We Should Agree to Krishna's Desires Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Theme Four Theme Five
0067 The Gosvamis Used to Sleep Only Two Hours Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Four regulative principles Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness
0068 Everyone Has to Work Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness Theme Five
0069 I Am Not Going to Die Transmigration of the soul Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Characteristics of creation Theme Five
0070 Manage Nicely Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krsna consciousness Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0071 Recklessly Wasteful Sons of God Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness Description of human society Explanatory story to audience
0072 Servant's Business is to Surrender The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality
0073 Vaikuntha Means Without Anxiety Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Freedom from materiality Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence
0074 Why You Should Eat Animals? Enjoyer and enjoyed Act in proper consciousness Maya's potencies Animal killing Turn to Guru
0075 You Must Go to a Guru Importance of inquiry Act in proper consciousness False gods Turn to Guru Imperfections of living being
0076 See Krishna Everywhere Learn to see God Goal of KC Movement Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Meditation on God
0077 You Can Scientifically and Philosophically Study Devotional service Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0078 Simply, with Faith, You Try to Hear Meditation on God Hear to receive Spreading Krsna consciousness Imperfections of living being Devotee's influence
0079 There is no Credit For Me Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence Goal of KC Movement Direct instruction to disciples Theme Five
0080 Krishna is Very Much Fond of Playing with His Young Boyfriends Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Imperfections of living being
0081 In the Sun Planet the Bodies are Fiery Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Theme Four Theme Five