YouTube Videos with Themes

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Revision as of 01:31, 20 August 2013 by LindaB (talk | contribs)

--- Vaniquotes Pages --- Multi-language Subtitle Results --- Translating Teams --- Clips to Subtitle --- Languages to Subtitle --- Spreadsheet of Results ---

This chart shows all of the video clips that we have so far placed onto the Vanimedia YouTube Channel along with the themes that Srila Prabhupada addresses within each clip. Each column is sortable to faciliate finding a video of your interest.

  • Our Goal for this multi-language subtitle project is to publish 1,080 videos by Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja Festival in August of 2014;
  • Each video clip ranges from 1 to 10 minutes and is subtitled in multiple languages;


  • The first pilot-project video was published on the 19th March 2013, and the 2nd video on 7th May 2013;
  • As of the 10th of June 2013 we have published our first 108 videos (10% done) in 35 days - that averages at 3.06 a day!
  • As of the 5th of July 2013 we have published our second 108 videos (20% done) in 25 days - that averages at 4.32 a day!
  • As of the 19th of July 2013 we have published 270 videos (25% done) in a total of only 74 days - that averages at 3.65 a day!
  • As of the 7th of August 2013 we have published our third 108 videos (30% done) in 33 days - that averages at 3.27 a day! (1610 subtitles)
Clip Number YouTube Video Theme One Theme Two Theme Three Theme Four Theme Five
0001 Expand To Ten Million Becoming Guru Direct instruction to disciples Do not speculate Follow the Acaryas Spreading Krishna consciousness
0002 Madman Civilization Four regulative principles Goal of KC Movement Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization
0003 Man Is Also Woman Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0004 Don't Surrender To Any Nonsense Becoming Guru Direct instruction to disciples Freedom from materiality The object of surrender
0005 Prabhupada's Life In 3 Minutes Prabhupada's pastimes
0006 Everyone Is God - Fool's Paradise Animal killing Importance of inquiry Misdirected civilization Turn to Guru
0007 Krishna's Maintenance Will Come Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs
0008 Krishna Claims That "I Am Everyone's Father" Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krishna consciousness
0009 The Thief Who Became A Devotee Explanatory story to audience False gods Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God
0010 Don't Try To Imitate Krishna Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence
0011 One Can Worship Krishna Within The Mind Explanatory story to audience Meditation on God
0012 The Source Of Knowledge Should Be By Hearing Do not speculate Explanatory story to audience Hear to receive Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru
0013 Twenty-four Hours Engagement Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Receive knowledge
0014 Devotees Are So Exalted Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence
0015 I Am Not This Body Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Maya's potencies Meditation on God Transmigration of the soul
0016 I Want To Work Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God
0017 Spiritual Energy And Material Energy Characteristics of creation Description of human society Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies
0018 Firmly Faithful At The Lotus Feet Of Guru Explanatory story to audience Transmigration of the soul Turn to Guru
0019 Whatever You are Hearing, You Should Say to Others Devotional service Hear to receive Importance of inquiry Receive knowledge Spreading Krishna consciousness
0020 To Understand Krishna Is Not So Easy Thing Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Maya's potencies Reason for God's appearance Worldly affairs
0021 Why So Many Divorces In This Country Enjoyer and enjoyed Goal of KC Movement Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs
0022 Krishna Is Not Hungry Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Transmigration of the soul
0023 Be Krishna Conscious Before Death Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge Transmigration of the soul
0024 Krishna Is So Kind Devotee's influence Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence
0025 If We Give Genuine Thing, it Will Act Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Prabhupada's pastimes
0026 You Are First of all Transferred to the Universe Where Krishna is Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul
0027 They do Not Know That There is Next Life Goal of KC Movement Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge Transmigration of the soul
0028 Buddha Is God Characteristics of creation Devotee's influence Maya's potencies Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krishna consciousness
0029 Buddha Cheated The Demons Animal killing Misdirected civilization Reason for God's appearance
0030 Krishna Is Simply Enjoying Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies The object of surrender
0031 Live by my Words, by my Training Characteristics of creation Direct instruction to disciples Prabhupada's pastimes Turn to Guru
0032 Whatever I Have To Speak, I Have Spoken In My Books Characteristics of creation Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes
0033 Mahāprabhu's Name Is Patita-pāvana Imperfections of living being Spreading Krishna consciousness Worldly affairs
0034 Everyone Receives Knowledge From Authority Characteristics of creation Hear to receive Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Turn to Guru
0035 Krishna Is Proprietor Of The Body Becoming Guru Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Krishna's omnipotence
0036 The Goal Of Our Life Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization Turn to Guru Worldly affairs
0037 Anyone Who Knows Krishna, He Is Guru Becoming Guru Characteristics of creation Follow the Acaryas Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge
0038 Knowledge Is Derived From The Vedas Imperfections of living being Learn to see God Receive knowledge
0039 Modern Leader Is Just Like A Puppet Characteristics of creation Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge
0040 Here Is One Supreme Person False gods Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender
0041 Present Life, it is Full of Inauspicity Freedom from materiality Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0042 This Initiation, Take it Very Seriously Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples Four regulative principles The object of surrender Transmigration of the soul
0043 Bhagavad-gita is the Basic Principle Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge Spreading Krishna consciousness
0044 Service Means that you Obey the Order of the Master Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Freedom from materiality Maya's potencies
0045 The Object of Knowledge is Called Jneyam Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge The object of surrender
0046 You Don't Become Animal - Counteract Description of human society Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Spreading Krishna consciousness Worldly affairs
0047 Krishna is Absolute Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Meditation on God
0048 Aryan Civilization Animal killing Description of human society Krishna's omnipotence
0049 We are Bound Up by the Laws of Nature Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0050 They do not Know What is Next Life Description of human society Four regulative principles Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge
0051 Dull Brain Cannot Understand What is Beyond this Body Four regulative principles Importance of inquiry Misdirected civilization Spreading Krishna consciousness Turn to Guru
0052 Difference Between Bhakta and Karmi Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Worldly affairs
0053 First Thing is We Must Hear Freedom from materiality Hear to receive Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krishna consciousness
0054 Everyone is Simply Giving Krishna Trouble Chant Hare Krishna Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krishna consciousness
0055 Touching Krishna by Aural Reception Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Follow the Acaryas Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krishna consciousness
0056 There are Twelve Authorities Mentioned in the Sastras Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation Follow the Acaryas Reason for God's appearance
0057 Cleansing the Heart Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0058 Spiritual Body Means Eternal Life Characteristics of creation Learn to see God Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul
0059 Do Not Forget Your Real Business Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Imperfections of living being Importance of inquiry
0060 Life Cannot Come From Matter Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies Spreading Krishna consciousness
0061 This Body is a Bag of Skin, Bone, Blood Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Spreading Krishna consciousness Worldly affairs
0062 See Twenty-four Hours Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Krishna's omnipotence Learn to see God Maya's potencies Meditation on God
0063 I Should Be a Great Mrdanga Player Becoming Guru Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge
0064 Siddhi Means Perfection of Life Characteristics of creation Devotee's influence Prabhupada's pastimes
0065 Everyone Will be Happy Animal killing Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Meditation on God
0066 We Should Agree to Krishna's Desires Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation The object of surrender
0067 The Gosvamis Used to Sleep Only Two Hours Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Four regulative principles Maya's potencies Spreading Krishna consciousness
0068 Everyone Has to Work Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Spreading Krishna consciousness
0069 I Am Not Going to Die Transmigration of the soul Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Characteristics of creation
0070 Manage Nicely Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krishna consciousness
0071 Recklessly Wasteful Sons of God Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Spreading Krishna consciousness Description of human society Explanatory story to audience
0072 Servant's Business is to Surrender The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality
0073 Vaikuntha Means Without Anxiety Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Freedom from materiality Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence
0074 Why You Should Eat Animals? Enjoyer and enjoyed Act in proper consciousness Maya's potencies Animal killing Turn to Guru
0075 You Must Go to a Guru Importance of inquiry Act in proper consciousness False gods Turn to Guru Imperfections of living being
0076 See Krishna Everywhere Learn to see God Goal of KC Movement Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Meditation on God
0077 You Can Scientifically and Philosophically Study Devotional service Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0078 Simply, with Faith, You Try to Hear Meditation on God Hear to receive Spreading Krishna consciousness Imperfections of living being Devotee's influence
0079 There is no Credit For Me Spreading Krishna consciousness Devotee's influence Goal of KC Movement Direct instruction to disciples
0080 Krishna is Very Much Fond of Playing with His Young Boyfriends Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Imperfections of living being
0081 In the Sun Planet the Bodies are Fiery Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being
0082 Krishna is Present Everywhere Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Learn to see God Act in proper consciousness Transmigration of the soul
0083 Chant Hare Krishna then Everything will Come Maya's potencies Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Prabhupada's pastimes Direct instruction to disciples
0084 Just Become a Devotee of Krishna Receive knowledge Turn to Guru Misdirected civilization Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence
0085 Culture of Knowledge Means Spiritual Knowledge Receive knowledge Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Imperfections of living being
0086 Why There are Dissimilarities? Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Description of human society Worldly affairs Direct instruction to disciples
0087 The Law of Material Nature Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs
0088 Students Who Have Joined Us, They Have Given Aural Reception, by Hearing Do not speculate Direct instruction to disciples Hear to receive Receive knowledge Spreading Krishna consciousness

0089 Krishna's Effulgence is the Source of Everything Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation
0090 Systematic Management - Otherwise how ISKCON will be Done? Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krishna consciousness
0091 You Stand Here Naked Transmigration of the soul Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Maya's potencies Description of human society
0092 We Have to Train our Senses to Satisfy Krishna Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilization Devotional service Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0093 Bhagavad-gita is also Krishna Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Goal of KC Movement
0094 Our Business is to Repeat the Words of Krishna Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being False gods Worldly affairs The object of surrender
0095 Our Business is to Surrender The object of surrender Goal of KC Movement Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0096 We Have to Study from the Person Bhagavata Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru Hear to receive Receive knowledge Goal of KC Movement
0097 I am Simply a Postal Peon Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0098 Become Attracted by the Beauty of Krishna Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence Goal of KC Movement Freedom from materiality
0099 How to Become Recognized by Krishna Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness Devotee's influence Chant Hare Krishna
0100 We are Eternally Related with Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples Freedom from materiality
0101 Our Healthy Life is to Enjoy Eternal Life Goal of KC Movement Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality
0102 The Speed of the Mind Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Description of human society Four regulative principles Goal of KC Movement
0103 Never Try to Go Away From the Society of Devotees Devotee's influence Devotional service The object of surrender Direct instruction to disciples Follow the Acaryas
0104 Stop the Cycle of Birth and Death Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness
0105 This Science Is Understood By The Parampara Disciplic Succession Follow the Acaryas Turn to Guru Do not speculate The object of surrender
0106 Take The Lift Of Bhakti To Krishna Directly Goal of KC Movement Explanatory story to audience Devotional service The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0107 Don't Accept Again Any Material Body Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge
0108 Printing And Translation Must Continue Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0109 We do Not Allow any Lazy Man Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness Imperfections of living being Direct instruction to disciples
0110 Become Puppet of the Predecessor Acarya Devotee's influence Follow the Acaryas Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender
0111 Follow the Instruction, Then You are Secure Anywhere Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness Prabhupada's pastimes Spreading Krsna consciousness
0112 A Thing is Judged by the Result Follow the Acaryas Prabhupada's pastimes Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC Movement Reason for God's appearance
0113 It is Very Difficult to Control the Tongue Devotional service Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality
0114 A Gentleman Whose Name is Krishna, He is Controlling Everyone Krishna's omnipotence Description of human society Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC Movement Chant Hare Krishna
0115 My Business is Only to Convey the Message of Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Follow the Acaryas Freedom from materiality Direct instruction to disciples
0116 Don't Waste your Valuable Life Transmigration of the soul Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness
0117 Free Hotel and Free Sleeping Accommodation Devotional service Worldly affairs Maya's potencies Follow the Acaryas Freedom from materiality
0118 Preaching is Not Very Difficult Thing The object of surrender Goal of KC Movement Devotee's influence Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0119 Spirit Soul is Evergreen Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation
0120 Inconceivable Mystic Power Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being
0121 Ultimately Krishna is Working Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender
0122 These Rascals Think, 'I am this body.' The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness Transmigration of the soul Act in proper consciousness
0123 Forced to Surrender - That is Special Favor The object of surrender Prabhupada's pastimes Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence
0124 Feel for the Suffering Humanity Follow the Acaryas Prabhupada's pastimes Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krsna consciousness
0125 The Society is so Polluted Description of human society Spreading Krsna consciousness Reason for God's appearance Explanatory story to audience Becoming Guru
0126 Only For the Satisfaction of My Spiritual Master Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Prabhupada's pastimes Spreading Krsna consciousness
0127 A Great Institution Was Lost by Whimsical Ways Learn to see God Spreading Krsna consciousness Becoming Guru Do not speculate Turn to Guru
0128 I Will Never Die Prabhupada's pastimes Follow the Acaryas Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence Description of human society
0129 Depend on Krishna - There Will be no Scarcity - Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Goal of KC Movement Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0130 Krishna is Appearing in so Many Incarnations Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Follow the Acaryas
0131 It is Quite Natural to Surrender to Father Maya's potencies The object of surrender Krishna's omnipotence
0132 Classless Society is Useless Society Description of human society Spreading Krsna consciousness Meditation on God Devotional service The object of surrender
0133 I Want One Student Who Follows my Instruction Prabhupada's pastimes Imperfections of living being Four regulative principles Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness
0134 Thou shall not kill, and You are Killing Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization Enjoyer and enjoyed Act in proper consciousness
0135 The Age of Veda You Cannot Calculate Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples
0136 By Disciplic Succession Knowledge has Come Down Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness
0137 What is the Aim of Life? What is God? Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation Do not speculate Importance of inquiry Imperfections of living being
0138 God is Very Kind. Whatever You Desire, He Will Fulfill Spreading Krsna consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality
0139 This is Spiritual Relationship Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0140 One Path is Pious; One Path is Nonpious - No Third Path - Spreading Krsna consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Imperfections of living being The object of surrender
0141 Mother Supplies Milk, and You are Killing the Mother Description of human society Misdirected civilization Animal killing Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0142 Stop this Slaughtering Process of Material Nature Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being Animal killing Transmigration of the soul Goal of KC Movement
0143 There are Millions and Trillions of Universes Krishna's omnipotence Description of human society Characteristics of creation
0144 This is Called Maya Maya's potencies Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0145 We Must Accept Some Sort of Tapasya Freedom from materiality Imperfections of living being Meditation on God Four regulative principles Explanatory story to audience
0146 In My Absence, If the Record is Played, it Will Exactly Vibrate the Same Sound Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Direct instruction to disciples
0147 Ordinary Rice is not Called Supreme Rice Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation
0148 We Are Part and Parcel of God Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being Devotional service The object of surrender
0149 Krishna Consciousness Movement Means to Find Out the Supreme Father Goal of KC Movement Krishna's omnipotence Importance of inquiry Characteristics of creation Direct instruction to disciples
0150 We Should Not Give Up Chanting Do not speculate Krishna's omnipotence Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0151 We Have to Learn From the Acaryas Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being Devotional service Follow the Acaryas
0152 A Sinful Man Cannot Become Krishna Conscious Worldly affairs Description of human society Animal killing Misdirected civilization Goal of KC Movement
0153 By Literary Contribution, One's Intelligence is Tested Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness Prabhupada's pastimes Act in proper consciousness
0154 Keep Your Weapon Always Sharpened Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0155 Everyone is Trying to Become God Maya's potencies Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotional service False gods
0156 I Am Trying to Teach What You Have Forgotten Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC Movement Direct instruction to disciples
0157 Unless Your Heart is Cleansed You Cannot Understand What is Hari Direct instruction to disciples Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Freedom from materiality
0158 Mother-killing Civilization Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs Description of human society Animal killing Misdirected civilization
0159 Big, Big Plans to Educate People How to Work Hard Worldly affairs The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Act in proper consciousness
0160 Krishna is Protesting Goal of KC Movement Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness
0161 Become Vaisnava and Feel for the Suffering Humanity Turn to Guru Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Goal of KC Movement Spreading Krsna consciousness
0162 Simply Carry the Message of Bhagavad-gita Follow the Acaryas Becoming Guru Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC Movement
0163 Religion Means the Codes and the Laws Given by God Freedom from materiality Imperfections of living being Reason for God's appearance Worldly affairs The object of surrender
0164 Varnasrama-dharma Must be Established to Make the Way Easy Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Goal of KC Movement Direct instruction to disciples Description of human society
0165 Purified Activities are Called Bhakti Krishna's omnipotence Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Devotional service
0166 You Cannot Stop Snow Falling Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru Importance of inquiry Act in proper consciousness
0167 There Cannot be Defect in God-made Laws Animal killing Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness
0168 The Culture of Becoming Meek and Humble Description of human society Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0169 Where is the Difficulty to See Krishna? Meditation on God Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness
0170 We Have to Follow the Gosvamis Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs False gods Imperfections of living being Direct instruction to disciples
0171 Forget Good Government for Millions of Years, Unless... Description of human society Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization Spreading Krsna consciousness
0172 Real Religion is to Surrender to Krishna The object of surrender Devotee's influence Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness
0173 We Want to Become Friends of Everyone Worldly affairs Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence Goal of KC Movement
0174 Every Living Entity is a Child of God Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Devotee's influence Animal killing
0175 Dharma Means to Gradually Turn the Crows into Swans Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Goal of KC Movement Spreading Krsna consciousness
0176 Krishna Will Remain Perpetually with You if You Love Krishna Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness
0177 Krishna Consciousness is Eternally a Fact Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Devotee's influence Goal of KC Movement Act in proper consciousness
0178 The Order Given by Krishna is Dharma Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Goal of KC Movement Explanatory story to audience Reason for God's appearance
0179 We Must Work for Krishna's Sake Imperfections of living being Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Act in proper consciousness
0180 Hare Krishna Mantra is Disinfectant Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna Goal of KC Movement Four regulative principles Freedom from materiality
0181 I Shall be Intimately Related with God Learn to see God Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0182 Keep Yourself in that Washed-Off Condition Hear to receive Freedom from materiality Four regulative principles Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being
0183 Mr. Owl, Please Open Your Eyes and See the Sun Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Receive knowledge
0184 Transfer the Attachment from Material Sound to the Spiritual Sound Hear to receive Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC Movement Chant Hare Krishna
0185 We Should Not Be Disturbed By These Ethereal Interactions Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Devotional service Goal of KC Movement
0186 God is God. Just like Gold is Gold Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0187 Always Remain in Bright Light Goal of KC Movement Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0188 The Ultimate Solution of all the Problems of Life Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC Movement
0189 Keep the Devotee Above the Three Gunas Maya's potencies Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Learn to see God Imperfections of living being
0190 Increase Detachment for this Material Life Devotional service Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0191 Control Krishna - That is Vrndavana Life Krishna's omnipotence Turn to Guru Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Goal of KC Movement
0192 Get the Whole Human Society from the Pitch of Darkness Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Maya's potencies Goal of KC Movement
0193 Our Whole Society Is Hearing From These Books Hear to receive Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Worldly affairs Importance of inquiry
0194 Here are Ideal Men Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge Goal of KC Movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Description of human society
0195 Strong in Body, Strong in Mind, Strong in Determination Goal of KC Movement Misdirected civilization Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul Spreading Krsna consciousness
0196 Simply Hanker after Spiritual Things Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Turn to Guru Devotional service Learn to see God
0197 You Must Present Bhagavad-gita As It Is Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender Goal of KC Movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Do not speculate
0198 Give up these Bad Habits and Chant these Beads, Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Four regulative principles Goal of KC Movement Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0199 Rascal So-called Commentators, They Want to Avoid Krishna Misdirected civilization Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Goal of KC Movement
0200 A Little Mistake will Spoil the Whole Scheme Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence
0201 How to Stop Your Death Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Goal of KC Movement
0202 Who can Love Better than a Preacher? Spreading Krsna consciousness Freedom from materiality Devotee's influence Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0203 Do Not Stop This Hare Krsna Movement Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Direct instruction to disciples
0204 I Am Getting The Mercy Of Guru. This Is Vani Turn to Guru The object of surrender Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes
0205 I Never Expected that These people will Accept Learn to see God Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Act in proper consciousness
0206 In the Vedic Society There is no Question of Money Spreading Krsna consciousness Description of human society Receive knowledge Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization
0207 Don't Live Irresponsibly Devotional service Misdirected civilization Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs Direct instruction to disciples
0208 Take Shelter of a Person Who is a Devotee of Krishna Devotee's influence Devotional service Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Freedom from materiality
0209 How to go Back to Home, Back to Godhead Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0210 The Whole Bhakti-marga Depends on the Mercy of the Lord Follow the Acaryas Turn to Guru Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0211 Our Mission is to Establish the Desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Devotee's influence Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness
0212 Scientifically, There is Life After Death Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Transmigration of the soul
0213 Stop Death - Then I shall See Your mysticism Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being The object of surrender Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0214 This Movement Can be Pushed on Vigorously So Long we are Devotees Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Devotee's influence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0215 You Have to Read. Then You'll Understand Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness
0216 Krishna is First-class, His Devotees are also First-class Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies
0217 Devahuti's Position is a Perfect Women Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Misdirected civilization Act in proper consciousness
0218 Guru Opens the Eyes Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Enjoyer and enjoyed Maya's potencies Turn to Guru
0219 Give up This Nonsense Idea of Becoming Master Worldly affairs Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Description of human society
0220 Every Living Entity is Part and Parcel of God Freedom from materiality Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness
0221 The Mayavadis, They Think that They Have Become One with God The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Goal of KC movement False gods
0222 Don't Give Up Pushing on this Movement Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0223 This Institution Must be There for Educating the Whole Human Society Spreading Krsna consciousness Prabhupada's pastimes Direct instruction to disciples
0224 Constructing Your Big Building on a Defective Foundation Receive knowledge Goal of KC movement Imperfections of living being Importance of inquiry Krishna's omnipotence
0225 Don't be Disappointed, Don't be Confused Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0226 Propagating God's Name, Glory, Activities, Beauty and Love Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation
0227 Why I die? I Do Not Like To Die Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Do not speculate Imperfections of living being Goal of KC movement
0228 Realize How to Become Immortal Misdirected civilization Maya's potencies Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples
0229 I Want to See that One Disciple has Understood Kishna's Philosophy Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0230 According to Vedic civilization, There are Four Divisions of the Society Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Misdirected civilization Spreading Krsna consciousness
0231 Bhagavan Means Who is the Proprietor of the Whole Universe Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Do not speculate Receive knowledge
0232 There are Jealous Enemies of God Also. They are Called Demons Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being
0233 We Get Krishna Consciousness Through the Mercy of Guru and Krishna Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0234 To Become a Devotee is the Greatest Qualification Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence
0235 Unqualified Guru Means Who Does not Know How to Guide the Disciple Becoming Guru Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0236 A Brahmana, a Sannyasi can Beg Alms, but not a Kshatriya, not a Vaishya Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0237 We Become in Touch with Krishna by Chanting His Name, Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Hear to receive
0238 God is Good, He is All-good Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Worldly affairs
0239 To Understand Krishna, One Requires Special Senses Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Devotional service
0240 There is no More Better Worship Than What was Conceived by the Gopis Devotional service Devotee's influence Learn to see God Freedom from materiality
0241 The Senses are Just Like Serpents Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Description of human society Act in proper consciousness
0242 It is Very Difficult to Take us Back to the Original Process of Civilization Description of human society Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Devotee's influence
0243 A disciple Comes to the Guru for Enlightenment Explanatory story to audience Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0244 Our Philosophy is that Everything Belongs to God Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0245 Everyone is Trying to Satisfy His or Her Senses Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Imperfections of living being Devotional service Characteristics of creation
0246 Anyone who Becomes a Devotee of Krishna, all Good Qualities Manifest in his Body Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Reason for God's appearance
0247 Real Religion Means to Love God Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness The object of surrender Devotional service
0248 Krishna had 16,108 wives, and almost in each time He had to fight, to gain the wife Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Worldly affairs
0249 The Question was Raised that, Why War Takes Place? Description of human society Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service
0250 Act for Krishna, Act for God, Not for Your Personal Interest Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience The object of surrender Turn to Guru
0251 The gopis are Eternal Associates of Krishna The object of surrender Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotee's influence Characteristics of creation
0252 We are Thinking That we are Independent Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality
0253 Real Happiness is Described in the Bhagavad-gita Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru Freedom from materiality
0254 Vedic Knowledge is Explained by Guru Transmigration of the soul Turn to Guru Devotional service Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality
0255 In God's Government There Must be so Many Directors, They are Called Demigods Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0256 In this Kali-yuga Krishna has Come in the Form of His Name, Hare Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation Reason for God's appearance Freedom from materiality
0257 How You Can Supersede the Laws of the Lord? Goal of KC movement Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0258 Constitutionally We Are All Servants Maya's potencies The object of surrender Devotional service Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs
0259 Reinstated in the Transcendental Platform of Loving Krishna The object of surrender Devotional service Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs
0260 By the Dictation of the Senses We are Committing Sinful Activities Life after Life The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Devotional service
0261 The Lord and the Devotee, They Are on the Same Status Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence
0262 Always Think that Our Service is Not Complete Devotional service Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being
0263 If You Have Taken Up this Formula Very Nicely, then You Will go on Preaching Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence
0264 Maya is also Serving Krishna, but there is No Thanks Maya's potencies Devotional service False gods Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation
0265 Bhakti Means to Serve Hrsikesa, the Master of the Senses Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Devotee's influence
0266 Krishna is the Perfect Brahmacari Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna
0267 Vyasadeva has Described What is Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Maya's potencies Description of human society Chant Hare Krishna
0268 Nobody can Understand Krishna Without Becoming a Pure Devotee of Krishna Devotee's influence Devotional service Maya's potencies Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness
0269 By Rascal Interpretation you Cannot Understand Bhagavad-gita Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience The object of surrender Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being
0270 Everyone has Got his Natural Propensities Turn to Guru Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence
0271 Krishna's Name is Acyuta. He Never Falls Down Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Description of human society
0272 Bhakti is transcendental Maya's potencies Description of human society Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0273 Arya-samana Means Krishna Conscious Person Spreading Krsna consciousness Misdirected civilization Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Turn to Guru
0274 We Belong to the Brahma-sampradaya Turn to Guru Explanatory story to audience Misdirected civilization
0275 Dharma Means Duty Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru The object of surrender
0276 Guru's Business is How to Give you Krishna, Not any Material Things Receive knowledge Becoming Guru Turn to Guru Worldly affairs The object of surrender
0277 Krsna Consciousness Means to Have all Kinds of Knowledge Receive knowledge Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence
0278 Disciple Means who Accepts the Discipline The object of surrender Receive knowledge Maya's potencies Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness
0279 Actually We Are Serving Money Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Importance of inquiry Devotional service Imperfections of living being
0280 Devotional Service Means Purifying the Sense Devotional service Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness
0281 Man is Animal, but Rational Animal Description of human society Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Misdirected civilization Importance of inquiry
0282 We Have to Follow the Footprints of the Acaryas Receive knowledge Description of human society Reason for God's appearance Do not speculate Follow the Acaryas
0283 Our Program Is To Love Devotional service Misdirected civilization The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0284 My Nature Is To Be Subordinate Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender Devotional service Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs
0285 The Only Lovable Object is Krsna and His land Vrndavana Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Description of human society The object of surrender Receive knowledge
0286 Perverted Reflection of the Pure Love that is Existing Between You and Krsna Act in proper consciousness Devotional service The object of surrender Direct instruction to disciples Imperfections of living being
0287 Revive Your Memory, Your Love for Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0288 When You Speak of God, Do You Know what is the Definition of God? Krishna's omnipotence False gods Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0289 Whoever Comes From the Kingdom of God - They Are The Same Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0290 When Your Lust is Not Fulfilled, Then You Are Angry Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness
0291 I Don't Wish To Be Subordinate, Don't Wish To Bow Down - That is Your Disease Imperfections of living being Direct instruction to disciples The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0292 Find Out The Supreme by Your Pursuit of Knowledge Learn to see God The object of surrender Description of human society Receive knowledge Krishna's omnipotence
0293 Twelve Kinds of Rasas, Humor Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence The object of surrender
0294 Six Points of Surrender Unto Krishna The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience Prabhupada's pastimes Direct instruction to disciples Devotional service
0295 One Living Force is Supplying all the Demands of all other Living Entities Enjoyer and enjoyed Learn to see God Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation
0296 Although Lord Jesus Christ was Crucified, He Never Changed His Opinion Learn to see God Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Follow the Acaryas Importance of inquiry
0297 Inquisitive to Understand the Absolute Truth - he Requires a Spiritual Master Turn to Guru Importance of inquiry The object of surrender Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness
0298 If You Are Anxious to Serve Krishna, That is the Real Asset Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples Importance of inquiry
0299 A Sannyasi Cannot Meet His Wife Description of human society Explanatory story to audience
0300 The Original Person is Not Dead Goal of KC movement Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Krishna's omnipotence
0301 The Most Intelligent Persons - They are Dancing Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna
0302 People Are Not Inclined to Surrender Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Receive knowledge Imperfections of living being Description of human society
0303 Transcendental. You Are Beyond Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Freedom from materiality
0304 Maya Cannot Cover the Supreme Whole Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation
0305 We Say God is Dead. So We Have to Uncover Our Eyes From this Illusion Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0306 We Should Submit Our Doubtful Questions Importance of inquiry Hear to receive Chant Hare Krishna Meditation on God Act in proper consciousness
0307 Not Only Thinking of Krishna, But Also Working for Krishna, Feeling for Krishna Meditation on God The object of surrender Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness
0308 Function of the Soul is Krishna Consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality Spreading Krsna consciousness Characteristics of creation
0309 Spiritual Master is Eternal Importance of inquiry Turn to Guru Receive knowledge Do not speculate Explanatory story to audience
0310 Jesus is the Representative of God, and Hari-nama is God Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience
0311 We are Giving New Light - Meditation will fail. You take this Importance of inquiry Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience
0312 Man is Rational Animal Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness
0313 All Credit Goes to Krishna Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence False gods Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation
0314 Not So Much Attention for the Body, but Full Attention for the Soul Chant Hare Krishna The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs
0315 We are So Stubborn, We are Trying to Forget Krishna Again and Again Spreading Krsna consciousness Follow the Acaryas Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Imperfections of living being
0316 Don't Try to Imitate, That is Very Dangerous Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Explanatory story to audience Follow the Acaryas
0317 We are not Surrendering to Krishna. This is the Disease Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender False gods
0318 Come to the Sunshine Worldly affairs Animal killing Goal of KC movement Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness
0319 Accept God, Your Position as God's Servant and Serve God Spreading Krsna consciousness Reason for God's appearance Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0320 We are Teaching How to Become Bhagyavan, Fortunate The object of surrender Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Receive knowledge Freedom from materiality
0321 Always Connected with the Original Powerhouse Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples
0322 The Body is Awarded by God According to Your Karma Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Goal of KC movement Explanatory story to audience Transmigration of the soul
0323 Creating a Society of Swans, Not of Crows Freedom from materiality Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs
0324 History Means to Understand the Activities of the First-class Man Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Goal of KC movement Act in proper consciousness
0325 Try to Spread this KC Movement and this is your Sadhana Spreading Krsna consciousness Meditation on God Freedom from materiality Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0326 God is the Supreme Father, God is the Supreme Proprietor, God is the Supreme Friend Transmigration of the soul Goal of KC movement Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0327 The Living Being, is Within this Body, the Gross Body and the Subtle Body Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge
0328 This KC Movement is All-embracing Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Description of human society Receive knowledge Goal of KC movement
0329 Kill a Cow or Kill a Vegetable, The Sinful Reaction is There Animal killing Devotee's influence Devotional service Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness
0330 Everyone Individually Has to Take Care of Himself Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Freedom from materiality
0331 Real Happiness is to Go Back to Home, Back to Godhead Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge
0332 There can be Very Peaceful Condition of the Whole World Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Goal of KC movement Do not speculate
0333 Educating Everyone to Become Divine Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Misdirected civilization
0334 The Real Necessity of Life is to Supply the Comforts of the Soul Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0335 Educating People to Become First-class Yogi Imperfections of living being Enjoyer and enjoyed Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Maya's potencies
0336 How is it, They are Mad After God? Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness
0337 Don't Waste Your Time Bothering about this So-called Happiness and Distress Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender
0338 What is the Value of this Democracy? All Fools and Rascals Description of human society Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness
0339 God is the Predominator - We are Predominated Freedom from materiality Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrenders
0340 You are not Meant for Death, but Nature is Forcing You Spreading Krsna consciousness Imperfections of living being Freedom from materiality
0341 One Who is Intelligent, He will Take this Process Explanatory story to audience The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0342 We are All Individual Persons, and Krishna is Also Individual Person Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience
0343 We are Trying to Educate the Mudhas Krishna's omnipotence Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna
0344 Srimad-Bhagavatam, Simply Dealing with Bhakti Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Worldly affairs Goal of KC movement
0345 Krishna is Sitting in Everyone's Heart Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Enjoyer and enjoyed Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness
0346 Without Preaching, Without Understanding Philosophy, you Cannot Keep your Strength Four regulative principles Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0347 First of all you Take your Birth where Krishna is now Present Transmigration of the soul Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0348 If for Fifty Years One Chants Simply Hare Krishna, He is Sure to Become Perfect The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation Chant Hare Krishna
0349 I Simply Believed what was Spoken by My Guru Maharaja Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0350 We are Trying to Make the People Qualified to see Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Learn to see God Goal of KC movement
0351 You Write Something; the Aim Should be Simply to Glorify the Supreme Act in proper consciousness Devotee's influence Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence
0352 This Literature will Revolutionize the Whole World Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0353 Don't Waste Your Time How to Solve Your Economic Problems Krishna's omnipotence Misdirected civilization Direct instruction to disciples Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness
0354 Blind Man Leading Other Blind Men Description of human society Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs
0355 I Am Speaking Something Revolutionary Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples
0356 We are not Working Whimsically. We are Taking Authoritative Version from Sastra Description of human society Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Devotional service
0357 I Want to Begin One Revolution Against Godless Civilization Prabhupada's pastimes Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0358 [In this Life we Shall Make a Solution. No more. No more Coming Again] Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Goal of KC movement
0359 [One has to Learn this Science from the Parampara System] Receive knowledge Description of human society Follow the Acaryas Becoming Guru Krishna's omnipotence
0360 [We don't Approach Krishna Directly. We must Begin our Service to Krishna's Servant] Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Follow the Acaryas
0361 [They Are My Gurus. I Am Not Their Guru] Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender
0362 [As We Have Got Twelve GBC's, Similarly Krishna Has Got GBC's ] Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Becoming Guru Devotional service Act in proper consciousness