Difference between revisions of "Русский - Шрила Прабхупада. Видео-клипы с субтитрами, размещенные в YouTube"

From Vanimedia

Line 1,563: Line 1,563:
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0172|0172]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0172|0172]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7KF_EIdcgc Real Religion is to Surrender to Krishna]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7KF_EIdcgc Настоящая религия - это предание Кришне]
| The object of surrender
| Объект предания
| Devotee's influence
| Влияние преданного
| Devotional service
| Преданное служение
| Spreading Krsna consciousness
| Распространение сознания Кришны
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0173|0173]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0173|0173]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjueL25FlOU We Want to Become Friends of Everyone]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjueL25FlOU Мы хотим стать друзьями для всех]
| Worldly affairs
| Дела земные
| Receive knowledge
| Получайте знания
| Spreading Krsna consciousness
| Распространение сознания Кришны
| Devotee's influence
| Влиянение преданного
| Goal of KC Movement
| Цель Движения сознания Кришны
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0174|0174]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0174|0174]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyavrWXCEX0 Every Living Entity is a Child of God]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyavrWXCEX0 Каждое живое существо - ребенок Бога]
| Krishna's omnipotence
| Всемогущество Кришны
| Imperfections of living being
| Несовершенства живого существа
| Devotee's influence
| Влиянение преданного
| Animal killing
| Убийство животных
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0175|0175]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0175|0175]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51tvorG4PPQ Dharma Means to Gradually Turn the Crows into Swans]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51tvorG4PPQ Дхарма предназначена для постепенного превращения ворон в лебедей]
| Explanatory story to audience
| Поучительная история
| Description of human society
| Описание человеческого общества
| Goal of KC Movement
| Цель Движения сознания Кришны
| Spreading Krsna consciousness
| распространение сознания Кришны
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0176|0176]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0176|0176]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q1I61ps5Bc Krishna Will Remain Perpetually with You if You Love Krishna]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q1I61ps5Bc Кришна всегда останется с вами, если вы любите Кришну]
| Characteristics of creation
| Характеристики творения
| Misdirected civilization
| Сбитая с толку цивилизация
| Worldly affairs
| Дела земные
| Imperfections of living being
| Несовершенства живого существа
| Spreading Krsna consciousness
| Распространение сознания Кришны
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0177|0177]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0177|0177]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD_9tBJrBus Krishna Consciousness is Eternally a Fact]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD_9tBJrBus Сознание Кришны вечно]
| Spreading Krsna consciousness
| Распространение сознания Кришны
| Devotional service
| Преданное служение
| Devotee's influence
| Влиянение преданного
| Goal of KC Movement
| Цель Движения сознания Кришны
| Act in proper consciousness
| Действуйте в правильном сознании
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0178|0178]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0178|0178]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POrVdoc8Yc0 The Order Given by Krishna is Dharma]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POrVdoc8Yc0 Наставления, данные Кришной, это дхарма]
| Devotional service
| Преданное служение
| Krishna's omnipotence
| Всемогущество Кришны
| Goal of KC Movement
| Цель Движения сознания Кришны
| Explanatory story to audience
| Поучительная история
| Reason for God's appearance
| Причины явления Господа
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0179|0179]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0179|0179]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxiPT1LpuuU We Must Work for Krishna's Sake]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxiPT1LpuuU Мы должны работать для Кришны]
| Imperfections of living being
| Несовершенства живого существа
| Devotional service
| Преданное служение
| Prabhupada's pastimes
| Жизнь Прабхупады
| Act in proper consciousness
| Действуйте в правильном сознании
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0180|0180]]
| [[Table: Clips to subtitle#link 0180|0180]]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uB6KmMxLsk Hare Krishna Mantra is Disinfectant]
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uB6KmMxLsk Харе Кришна мантра дезинфицирует]
| Explanatory story to audience
| Поучительная история
| Chant Hare Krishna
| Повторяйте Харе Кришна
| Goal of KC Movement
| Цель Движения сознания Кришны
| Four regulative principles
| Четыре регулирующих принципа
| Freedom from materiality
| Свобода от материальности

Revision as of 14:56, 20 May 2014

--- Страницы Vaniquotes --- Результаты проекта "Многоязычные субтитры" --- Команда переводчиков --- Клипы для создания субтитров --- Языки субтитров --- Таблица результатов ---

С 1966 по 1977 годы Шрила Прабхупада свободно говорил на английском языке и оставил после себя более 2000 часов записей. Эта подборка из 546 видео-клипов предлагает большой круг вопросов, освещенных Шрилой Прабхупадой. Чтобы посмотреть видео, пройдите по ссылке в столбце "Видео-клип в YouTube"; чтобы включить субтитры на различных языках, нажмите на иконку "captions" внизу видео - плеера YouTube.

Эта таблица содержит все видео-клипы, которые мы уже разместили на странице Vanimedia в YouTube в ней также содержатся темы, которые Шрила Прабхупада поднимает в каждом клипе. Столбцы в таблице с возможностью сортировки для облегчения поиска видео-клипов в соответствии с вашими интересами.

  • Цель проекта "Многоязычные субтитры" - опубликовать 1080 видео-клипов к фестивалю "Вьяса Пуджа Шрилы Прабхупады" в августе 2015 года.
  • Каждый видео-клип длится от 1 до 10 минут и содержит субтитры на нескольких языках.
  • Видео-клипы с названиями на русском языке содержат русские субтитры.
  • Видео-клипы с названиями на английском языке - пока без русских субтитров.

Номер видео-клипа Видео-клип в YouTube Тема первая Тема вторая Тема третья Тема четвертая Тема пятая
0001 Раширяйтесь до десяти миллионов Стать гуру Прямые наставления ученикам Не спекулируйте Следуйте ачарьям Распространение сознания Кришны
0002 Цивилизация безумцев Четыре регулирующих принципа Цель Движения сознания Кришны Могущество майи Сбитая с толку цивилизация
0003 Мужчина также и женщина Характеристики творения Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Дела земные Несовершенства живого существа
0004 Не предавайтесь бессмысленному Стать гуру Прямые наставления ученикам Свобода от материальности Объект предания
0005 Жизнь Прабхупады за 3 минуты Жизнь Прабхупады
0006 Каждый Бог. Рай дураков Убийство животных Важность вопрошания Сбитая с толку цивилизация Обратитесь к гуру
0007 Кришна обеспечит всем необходимым Описание человеческого общества Поучительная история Всемогущество Кришны Дела земные
0008 Кришна утверждает: "Я отец для каждого" Причины явления Господа Распространение сознания Кришны
0009 Вор, который стал преданным Поучительная история Ложные боги Всемогущество Кришны Научитесь видеть Бога
0010 Не пытайтесь подражать Кришне Поучительная история Всемогущество Кришны
0011 Каждый может служить Кришне в уме Поучительная история Медитация на Господа
0012 Источником знания должно быть слушание Не спекулируйте Поучительная история Слушать, чтобы узнать Несовершенства живого существа Обратитесь к гуру
0013 Двадцати четырех часовая занятость Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Получайте знания
0014 Преданные настолько возвышенные Влияние преданного Поучительная история Всемогущество Кришны
0015 Я не это тело Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Могущество майи Медитация на Господа Переселение души
0016 Я хочу работать Действуйте в правильном сознании Всемогущество Кришны Научитесь видеть Бога
0017 Духовная энергия и материальная энергия Характеристики творения Описание человеческого общества Всемогущество Кришны Могущество майи
0018 Твердо верны лотосным стопам гуру Поучительная история Переселение души Обратитесь к гуру
0019 Что бы вы не услышали, вы должны рассказать другим Преданное служение Слушать, чтобы узнать Важность вопрошания Получайте знания Распространение сознания Кришны
0020 Понять Кришну - нелегкая вещь Повторяйте Харе Кришна Преданное служение Могущество майи Причины явления Господа Дела земные
0021 Почему так много разводов в этой стране Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Цель Движения сознания Кришны Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные
0022 Кришна не голоден Влияние преданного Преданное служение Всемогущество Кришны Научитесь видеть Бога Переселение души
0023 Обретите сознание Кришны до смерти Характеристики творения Поучительная история Сбитая с толку цивилизация Получайте знания Переселение души
0024 Кришна так добр Влияние преданного Преданное служение Поучительная история Всемогущество Кришны
0025 Если мы дадим истинную вещь, она сработает Действуйте в правильном сознании Повторяйте Харе Кришна Преданное служение Поучительная история Жизнь Прабхупады
0026 Вы, прежде всего, будете перенесены во вселенную, где находится Кришна Характеристики творения Свобода от материальности Могущество майи Переселение души
0027 Они не знают, что есть следующая жизнь Цель Движения сознания Кришны Могущество майи Сбитая с толку цивилизация Получайте знания Переселение души
0028 Будда - Бог Характеристики творения Влияние преданного Могущество майи Причины явления Господа Распространение сознания Кришны
0029 Будда обманывал демонов Убийство животных Сбитая с толку цивилизация Причины явления Господа
0030 Кришна просто наслаждается Влияние преданного Преданное служение Всемогущество Кришны Могущество майи Объект предания
0031 Живите моими словами, моим учением Характеристики творения Прямые наставлния ученикам Жизнь Прабхупады Обратитесь к гуру
0032 Все, что я должен был сказать, я сказал в своих книгах Характеристики творения Преданное служение Жизнь Прабхупады
0033 Имя Махапрабху - Патита-павана Несовершенства живого существа Распространение сознания Кришны Дела земные
0034 Все получают знания от авторитета Характеристики творения Слушать, чтобы узнать Всемогущество Кришны Получайте знания Обратитесь к гуру
0035 Кришна - собственник тела Стать гуру Преданное служение Цель Движения сознания Кришны Всемогущество Кришны
0036 Цель нашей жизни Несовершенства живого существа Могущество майи Сбитая с толку цивилизация Обратитесь к гуру Дела земные
0037 Любой, кто знает Кришну, является гуру Стать гуру Характеристики творения Следуйте ачарьям Всемогущество Кришны Получайте знания
0038 Знание исходит из вед Несовершенства живого существа Научитесь видеть Бога Получайте знания
0039 Современный лидер словно марионетка Характеристики творения Влияние преданного Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Получайте знания
0040 Он единственная Верховная Личность Ложные боги Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Объект предания
0041 Настоящая жизнь, она полна неблагополучия Свобода от материальности Несовершенства живого существа Получайте знания
0042 Эта инициация, отнеситесь к ней очень серьезно Преданное служение Прямые наставления ученикам Четыре регулирующих принципа Объект предания Переселение души
0043 "Бхагават-гита" - основной принцип Поучительная история Несовершенства живого существа Жизнь Прабхупады Получайте знания Распространение сознания Кришны
0044 Служение значит, что вы следуете указаниям учителя Преданное служение Поучительная история Свобода от материальности Могущество майи
0045 Объект познания называется "гнеям" Характеристики творения Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Несовершенства живого существа Получайте знания Объект предания
0046 Не превращайтесь в животных - противодействуйте Описание человеческого общества Несовершенства живого существа Получайте знания Распространение сознания Кришны Дела земные
0047 Кришна - Абсолют Действуйте в правильном сознании Повторяйте Харе Кришна Преданное служение Всемугощество Кришны Медитация на Господа
0048 Арийская цивилизация Убийство животных Описание человеческого общества Всемогущество Кришны
0049 Мы связаны законами природы Действуйте в правильном сознании Повторяйте Харе Кришна Характеристики творения Преданное служение Свобода от материальности
0050 Они не знают, что такое следующая жизнь Описание человеческого общества Четыре регулирующих принципа Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Получайте знания
0051 Притупленный ум не сможет понять то, что лежит за пределами этого тела Четыре регулирующих принципа Важность вопрошания Сбитая с толку цивилизация Распространение сознания Кришны Обратитесь к гуру
0052 Разница между "бхактой" и "карми" Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Всемогущество Кришны Научитесь видеть Бога Дела земные
0053 Первое, что мы должны делать - это слушать Свобода от материальности Слушать, чтобы узнать Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Распространение сознания Кришны
0054 Все напрасно беспокоят Кришну Воспевайте Харе Кришна Влияние преданного Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Распространение сознания Кришны
0055 Прикасаясь к Кришне посредством слухового восприятия Повторяйте Харе Кришна Преданное служение Следуйте ачарьям Всемогущество Кришны Распространение сознания Кришны
0056 Двенадцать авторитетных источников, указанных в шастрах Действуйте в правильном сознании Характеристики творения Следуйте ачарьям Причины явления Господа
0057 Очищение сердца Повторяйте Харе Кришна Преданное служение Прямые наставления ученикам Несовершенства живого существа Получайте знания
0058 Духовное тело означает вечную жизнь Характеристики творения Научитесь видеть Бога Могущество майи Переселение души
0059 Не забывайте свой истинный интерес Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Цель Движения сознания Кришны Несовершенства живого существа Важность вопрошания
0060 Жизнь не может появиться из материи Характеристики творения Могущество майи Распространение сознания Кришны
0061 Это тело - мешок из кожи, костей и крови Характеристики творения Поучительная история Могущество майи Распространение сознания Кришны Дела земные
0062 Созерцайте Кришну двадцать четыре часа в сутки Прямые наставления ученикам Всемогущество Кришны Научитесь видеть Бога Могущество майи Медитация на Господа
0063 Я должен быть хорошим игроком на мриданге Стать гуру Преданное служение Жизнь Прабхупады Получайте знания
0064 "Сиддхи" означает "совершенство жизни" Характеристики творения Влияние преданного Жизнь Прабхупады
0065 Каждый будет счастлив Убийство животных Влияние преданного Поучительная история Несовершенства живого существа Медитация на Господа
0066 Мы должны соглашаться с желаниями Кришны Действуйте в правильном сознании Характеристики творения Объект предания
0067 Госвами спали всего по два часа Повторяйте Харе Кришна Прямые наставления ученикам Четыре регулирующих принципа Могущество майи Распространение сознания Кришны
0068 Каждый должен действовать Характеристики творения Сбитая с толку цивилизация Несовершенства живого существа Распространение сознания Кришны
0069 Я не умру Переселение души Действуйте в правильном сознании Прямые наставления ученикам Характеристики творения
0070 Управляйте должным образом Прямые наставления ученикам Распространение сознания Кришны
0071 Безрассудно расточительные дети Бога Сбитая с толку цивилизация Несовершенства живого существа Распространение сознания Кришны Описание человеческого общества Поучительная история
0072 Задача слуги - предаться господину Объект предания Несовершенства живого существа Могущество майи Действуйте в правильном сознании Свобода от материальности
0073 "Вайкунтха" значит "без тревог" Преданное служение Повторяйте Харе Кришна Свобода от материальности Характеристики творения Всемогущество Кришны
0074 Зачем поедать животных? Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Действуйте в правильном сознании Всемогущество майи Убийство животных Обратитесь к гуру
0075 Отправляйся к гуру Важность вопрошания Действуйте в правильном сознании Ложные боги Обратитесь к гуру Несовершенства живого существа
0076 Видеть Кришну повсюду Учитесь видеть Бога Цель Движения сознания Кришны Всемогущество Кришны Действуйте в правильном сознании Медитация на Господа
0077 Вы можете изучать научно и философски Преданное служение Характеристики творения Несовершенства живого существа Действуйте в правильном сознании Воспевайте Харе Кришна
0078 Просто пытайтесь слушать с верой Медитация на Господа Слушать, чтобы узнать Распространение сознания Кришны Несовершенства живого существа Влияние преданного
0079 Здесь нет моей заслуги Распространение сознания Кришны Влияние преданного Цель движения сознания Кришны Прямые наставления ученикам
0080 Кришна очень любит играть со своими юными друзьями Всемогущество Кришны Влияние преданного Характеристики творения Объект предания Несовершенства живого существа
0081 На Солнце тела огненные Переселение души Характеристики творения Несовершенства живого существа
0082 Кришна присутствует везде Всемогущество Кришны Могущество майи Научитесь видеть Бога Действуйте в правильном сознании Переселение души
0083 Повторяйте Харе Кришна, и все придет Могущество майи Преданное служение Повторяйте Харе Кришна Жизнь Прабхупады Прямые наставления ученикам
0084 Просто станьте преданным Кришны Получайте знания Обратитесь к гуру Сбитая с толку цивилизация Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Всемогущество Кришны
0085 Культура знания означает духовное знание Получайте знания Характеристики творения Переселение души Несовершенства живого существа
0086 Почему существуют различия? Характеристики творения Получайте знания Описание человеческого общества Дела земные Прямые наставления ученикам
0087 Законы материальной природы Характеристики творения Могущество майи Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные
0088 Студенты, которые присоединились к нам, раскрыли свое восприятие речи через слушание Не спекулируйте Прямые наставления ученикам Слушать, чтобы узнать Получайте знания Распространение сознания Кришны

0089 Сияние Кришны - источник всего Всемогущество Кришны Характеристики творения
0090 Систематическое управление. Иначе, как будет построен ИСККОН? Всемогущество Кришны Могущество майи Влияние преданного Действуйте в правильном сознании Распространение сознания Кришны
0091 Вы стоите тут обнаженные Переселение души Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные Могущество майи Описание человеческого общества
0092 Мы должны обучать наши чувства, как удовлетворить Кришну Характеристики творения Сбитая с толку цивилизация Преданное служение Несовершенства живого существа Действуйте в правильном сознании
0093 "Бхагават-гита" - это тоже Кришна Характеристики творения Всемогущество Кришны Дела земные Несовершенства живого существа Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0094 Наше дело - повторять слова Кришны Действуйте в правильном сознании Несовершенства живого существа Ложные боги Дела земные Объект предания
0095 Наше дело - предаться Объект предания Цель Движения сознания Кришны Дела земные Несовершенства живого существа Действуйте в правильном сознании
0096 Мы должны учиться у личности "Бхагавата" Несовршенства живого существа Обратитесь к гуру Слушать, чтобы узнать Получайте знания Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0097 Я просто почтальон Распространение сознания Кришны Преданное служение Цель Движения сознания Кришны Действуйте в правильном сознании Прямые наставления ученикам
0098 Привлечься красотой Кришны Характеристики творения Дела земные Всемогущество Кришны Цель Движения сознания Кришны Свобода от материальности
0099 Как стать заметным для Кришны Могущество майи Распространение сознания Кришны Действуйте в правильном сознании Влияние преданного Повторяйте Харе Кришна
0100 Мы вечно связаны с Кришной Распространение сознания Кришны Объект предания Преданное служение Прямые наставления ученикам Свобода от материальности
0101 Наш здоровый образ жизни - это наслаждаться вечной жизнью Цель Движения сознания Кришны Переселение души Свобода от материальности
0102 Скорость ума Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные Описание человеческого общества Четыре регулирующих принципа Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0103 Никогда не пытайтесь уйти из общества преданных Влияние преданного Преданное служение Объект предания Прямые наставления ученикам Следуйте ачарьям
0104 Остановите цикл рождения и смерти Переселение души Свобода от материальности Характеристики творения Могущество майи Действуйте в правильном сознании
0105 Это наука понимается через парампару - цепь ученической преемственности Следуйте ачарьям Обратитесь к гуру Не спекулируйте Объект предания
0106 Воспользуйтесь лифтом бхакти, чтобы попасть напрямую к Кришне Цель Движения сознания Кришны Поучительная история Преданное служение Объект предания Действуйте в правильном сознании
0107 Не принимайте снова любое материальное тело Могущество майи Переселение души Несовершенства живого существа Характеристики творения Получайте знания
0108 Печатание и перевод должны продолжаться Распространение сознания Кришны Прямые наставления ученикам
0109 Мы не признаем лентяев Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Распространение сознания Кришны Несовершенства живого существа Прямые наставления ученикам
0110 Стать марионеткой предыдущего ачарьи Влиянение преданного Следуйте ачарьям Распространение сознания Кришны Объект предания
0111 Следуйте наставлениям, тогда вы будете в безопасности в любом месте Обратитесь к гуру Следуйте ачарьям Действуйте в правильном сознании Жизнь Прабхупады Распространение сознания Кришны
0112 Дело судят по результату Следуйте ачарьям Жизнь Прабхупады Распространение сознания Кришны Цель Движения сознания Кришны Причины явления Гопода
0113 Контролировать язык - это очень сложно Преданное служение Сбитая с толку цивилизация Несовершенства живого существа Действуйте в правильном сознании Свобода от материальности
0114 Джентльмен по имени Кришна, Он всех контролирует Всемогущество Кришны Описание человеческого общества Распространение сознания Кришны Цель Движения сознания Кришны Повторяйте Харе Кришна
0115 Моя задача - всего лишь передать послание Кришны Распространение сознания Кришны Следуйте ачарьям Свобода от материальности Прямые наставления ученикам
0116 Не тратьте попусту вашу драгоценную жизнь Переселение души Распространение сознания Кришны Повторяйте Харе Кришна Получайте знания Действуйте в правильном сознании
0117 Бесплатная гостиница с бесплатной ночовкой Преданное служение Дела земные Могущество майи Следуйте ачарьям Свобода от материальности
0118 Проповедовать не так уж и сложно Объект предания Цель Движения сознания Кришны Влияние преданного Распространение сознания Кришны Повторяйте Харе Кришна
0119 Духовная душа вечно молода Переселение души Характеристики творения
0120 Непостижимая мистическая сила Всемогущество Кришны Характеристики творения Несовершенства живого существа
0121 Кришна работает во всем Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Объект предания
0122 Эти негодяи думают: "Я есть это тело" Объект предания Несовершенства живого существа Распространение сознания Кришны Переселение души Действуйте в правильном сознании
0123 Предаться по принуждению - особая милость Объект предания Жизнь Прабхупады Несовершенства живого существа Дела земные Всемогущество Кришны
0124 Ради страдающего человечества Следуйте ачарьям Жизнь Прабхупады Всемогущество Кришны Прямые наставления ученикам Распространение сознания Кришны
0125 Общество слишком загрязнено Описание человеческого общества Распространение сознания Кришны Причины явления Господа Поучительная история Стать гуру
0126 Удовлетворить духовного учителя Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Цель Движения сознания Кришны Жизнь Прабхупады Распространение сознания Кришны
0127 Великие начинания были потеряны из-за прихотей Учитесь видеть Бога Распространение сознания Кришны Стать гуру Не спекулируйте Обратитесь к гуру
0128 Я никогда не умру Жизнь Прабхупады Следуйте ачарьям Распространение сознания Кришны Влиянение преданного Описание человеческого общества
0129 Доверьтесь Кришне - нужды ни в чем не будет Медитация на Господа Повторяйте Харе Кришна Цель Движения сознания Кришны Преданное служение Действуйте в правильном сознании
0130 Множество инкарнаций Кришны Всемогущество Кришны Объект предания Несовершенства живого существа Следуйте ачарьям
0131 Это вполне естественно - предаться отцу Могущество майи Объект предания Всемогущество Кришны
0132 Бесклассовое общество означает бесполезное общество Описание человеческого обещества Распространение сознания Кришны Медитация на Господа Преданное служение Объект предания
0133 Мне достаточно всего лишь одного ученика, верно следующего моему учению Жизнь Прабхупады Несовершенства живого существа Четыре регулирующих принципа Повторяйте Харе Кришна Распространение сознания Кришны
0134 убий, а вы убиваете Дела земные Сбитая с толку цивилизация Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Действуйте в правильном сознании
0135 The Age of Veda You Cannot Calculate Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples
0136 By Disciplic Succession Knowledge has Come Down Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness
0137 What is the Aim of Life? What is God? Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation Do not speculate Importance of inquiry Imperfections of living being
0138 Бог очень добр. Он исполнит все, что вы пожелаете Распространение сознания Кришны Всемогущество Кришны Характеристики творения Переселение души Свобода от материальности
0139 Это духовные отношения Описание человеческого общества Поучительная история Действуйте в правильном сознании Преданное служение Прямые наставления ученикам
0140 Один путь благочестивый, второй путь не благочестивый. Третьего пути нет Распространение сознания Кришны Всемогущество Кришны Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Несовершенства живого существа Объект предания
0141 Мать дает молоко, а вы убиваете мать Описание человеческого общества Сбитая с толку цивилизация Убийство животных Несовершенства живого существа Дела земные
0142 Остановите этот процесс убийства материальной природы Могущество майи Несовершенства живого существа Убийство животных Переселение души Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0143 Существуют миллионы и триллионы вселенных Всемогущество Кришны Описание человеческого общества Характеристики творения
0144 Это зовется майей Могущество майи Всемогущество Кришны Объект предания Преданное служение Свобода от материальности
0145 Мы должны принять какую-то тапасью Свобода от материальности Несовершенства живого существа Медитация на Господа Четыре регулирующих принципа Поучительная история
0146 В мое отсутствие аудиозапись будет издавать тот же самый звук Дела земные Всемогущество Кришны Несовершенства живого существа Характеристики творения Прямые наставления ученикам
0147 Обычный рис - это не рис высшего сорта Всемогущество Кришны Поучительная история Характеристики творения
0148 Мы неотъемлемые частички Господа Характеристики творения Могущество майи Несовершенства живого существа Преданное служение Объект предания
0149 Движение сознания Кришны предназначено для того, чтобы понять, кто является Верховным отцом Цель Движения сознания Кришны Всемогущество Кришны Важность вопрошания Характеристики творения Прямые наставления ученикам
0150 Мы не должны отказываться от воспевания Не спекулируйте Всемогущество Кришны Повторяйте Харе Кришна Преданное служение Свобода от материальности
0151 Мы должны учиться у ачарьев Могущество майи Несовершенства живого существа Преданное служение Следуйте ачарьям
0152 Грешнику не достичь сознания Кришны Дела земные Описание человеческого общества Убийство животных Сбитая с толку цивилизация Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0153 Интеллект измеряется литературным вкладом Преданное служение Распространение сознания Кришны Жизнь прабхупады действуйте в правильном сознании
0154 Сохраняй свое оружие всегда наточенным Дела земные Поучительная история Распространение сознания Кришны Прямые наставления ученикам
0155 Каждый пытается стать Богом Могущество майи Характеристики творения Наслаждающийся и объект наслаждения Преданное служение Ложные божества
0156 Я пытаюсь учить тому, что вы забыли Распространение сознания Кришны Цель Движения сознания Кришны Прямые наставления ученикам
0157 Если ваше сердце не очищено, вы не сможете понять Хари Прямые наставления ученикам Повторяйте Харе Кришна Несовершенства живого существа Всемогущество Кришны Свобода от материальности
0158 Цивилизация, убивающая мать Характеристики творения Дела земные Описание человеческого общества Убийство животных Сбитая с толку цивилизация
0159 Большие планы по обучению людей усердно работать Дела земные Объект предания Поучительная история Описание человеческого общества Действуйте в правильном сознании
0160 Кришна протестует Цель Движения сознания Кришны Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные Могущество майи Распространение сознания Кришны
0161 Стать вайшнавом и сочувствовать страданиям человечества Обратитесь к гуру Преданное служение Жизнь Прабхупады Цель Движения сознания Кришны Распространение сознания Кришны
0162 Просто несите послание "Бхагават-гиты" Следуйте ачарьям Стать гуру Распространение сознания Кришны Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0163 Религия означает законы, данные Богом Свобода от материальности Несовершенства живого существа Причины явления Господа Дела земные Объект предания
0164 Varnasrama-dharma Must be Established to Make the Way Easy Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Goal of KC Movement Direct instruction to disciples Description of human society
0165 Чистая деятельность зовется бхакти Всемогущество Кришны Переселение души Характеристики творения Несовершенства живого существа Преданное служение
0166 Вы не можете остановить снегопад Дела земные Несовершенства живого существа Обратитесь к гуру Важность вопрошания Действуйте в правильном сознании
0167 There Cannot be Defect in God-made Laws Animal killing Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness
0168 Культура, обучающая смирению и кротости Описание человеческого общества Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные Несовершенства живого существа
0169 Разве трудно увидеть Кришну? Медитация на Господа Всемогущество Кришны Влияние преданного Действуйте в правильном сознании
0170 Идите по стопам Госвами Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные Ложные боги Несовершенства живого существа Прямые наставления ученикам
0171 Забудьте о хорошем правительстве на миллионы лет, пока не... Описание человеческого общества Дела земные Сбитая с толку цивилизация Распространение сознания Кришны
0172 Настоящая религия - это предание Кришне Объект предания Влияние преданного Преданное служение Распространение сознания Кришны
0173 Мы хотим стать друзьями для всех Дела земные Получайте знания Распространение сознания Кришны Влиянение преданного Цель Движения сознания Кришны
0174 Каждое живое существо - ребенок Бога Всемогущество Кришны Несовершенства живого существа Влиянение преданного Убийство животных
0175 Дхарма предназначена для постепенного превращения ворон в лебедей Поучительная история Описание человеческого общества Цель Движения сознания Кришны распространение сознания Кришны
0176 Кришна всегда останется с вами, если вы любите Кришну Характеристики творения Сбитая с толку цивилизация Дела земные Несовершенства живого существа Распространение сознания Кришны
0177 Сознание Кришны вечно Распространение сознания Кришны Преданное служение Влиянение преданного Цель Движения сознания Кришны Действуйте в правильном сознании
0178 Наставления, данные Кришной, это дхарма Преданное служение Всемогущество Кришны Цель Движения сознания Кришны Поучительная история Причины явления Господа
0179 Мы должны работать для Кришны Несовершенства живого существа Преданное служение Жизнь Прабхупады Действуйте в правильном сознании
0180 Харе Кришна мантра дезинфицирует Поучительная история Повторяйте Харе Кришна Цель Движения сознания Кришны Четыре регулирующих принципа Свобода от материальности
0181 I Shall be Intimately Related with God Learn to see God Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0182 Keep Yourself in that Washed-Off Condition Hear to receive Freedom from materiality Four regulative principles Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being
0183 Mr. Owl, Please Open Your Eyes and See the Sun Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Receive knowledge
0184 Transfer the Attachment from Material Sound to the Spiritual Sound Hear to receive Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC Movement Chant Hare Krishna
0185 We Should Not Be Disturbed By These Ethereal Interactions Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Devotional service Goal of KC Movement
0186 God is God. Just like Gold is Gold Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0187 Always Remain in Bright Light Goal of KC Movement Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0188 The Ultimate Solution of all the Problems of Life Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC Movement
0189 Keep the Devotee Above the Three Gunas Maya's potencies Devotional service Goal of KC Movement Learn to see God Imperfections of living being
0190 Increase Detachment for this Material Life Devotional service Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0191 Control Krishna - That is Vrndavana Life Krishna's omnipotence Turn to Guru Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Goal of KC Movement
0192 Get the Whole Human Society from the Pitch of Darkness Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Maya's potencies Goal of KC Movement
0193 Our Whole Society Is Hearing From These Books Hear to receive Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Worldly affairs Importance of inquiry
0194 Here are Ideal Men Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge Goal of KC Movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Description of human society
0195 Strong in Body, Strong in Mind, Strong in Determination Goal of KC Movement Misdirected civilization Maya's potencies Transmigration of the soul Spreading Krsna consciousness
0196 Simply Hanker after Spiritual Things Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Turn to Guru Devotional service Learn to see God
0197 You Must Present Bhagavad-gita As It Is Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender Goal of KC Movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Do not speculate
0198 Give up these Bad Habits and Chant these Beads, Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Four regulative principles Goal of KC Movement Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0199 Rascal So-called Commentators, They Want to Avoid Krishna Misdirected civilization Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Goal of KC Movement
0200 A Little Mistake will Spoil the Whole Scheme Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence
0201 How to Stop Your Death Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Goal of KC Movement
0202 Who can Love Better than a Preacher? Spreading Krsna consciousness Freedom from materiality Devotee's influence Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0203 Do Not Stop This Hare Krsna Movement Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Direct instruction to disciples
0204 I Am Getting The Mercy Of Guru. This Is Vani Turn to Guru The object of surrender Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes
0205 I Never Expected that These people will Accept Learn to see God Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Prabhupada's pastimes Act in proper consciousness
0206 In the Vedic Society There is no Question of Money Spreading Krsna consciousness Description of human society Receive knowledge Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization
0207 Don't Live Irresponsibly Devotional service Misdirected civilization Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs Direct instruction to disciples
0208 Take Shelter of a Person Who is a Devotee of Krishna Devotee's influence Devotional service Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Freedom from materiality
0209 How to go Back to Home, Back to Godhead Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0210 The Whole Bhakti-marga Depends on the Mercy of the Lord Follow the Acaryas Turn to Guru Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0211 Our Mission is to Establish the Desire of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Devotee's influence Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness
0212 Scientifically, There is Life After Death Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Transmigration of the soul
0213 Stop Death - Then I shall See Your mysticism Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being The object of surrender Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0214 This Movement Can be Pushed on Vigorously So Long we are Devotees Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Devotee's influence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0215 You Have to Read. Then You'll Understand Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness
0216 Krishna is First-class, His Devotees are also First-class Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Characteristics of creation Maya's potencies
0217 Devahuti's Position is a Perfect Women Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Misdirected civilization Act in proper consciousness
0218 Guru Opens the Eyes Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Enjoyer and enjoyed Maya's potencies Turn to Guru
0219 Give up This Nonsense Idea of Becoming Master Worldly affairs Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Description of human society
0220 Every Living Entity is Part and Parcel of God Freedom from materiality Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness
0221 The Mayavadis, They Think that They Have Become One with God The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Goal of KC movement False gods
0222 Don't Give Up Pushing on this Movement Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0223 This Institution Must be There for Educating the Whole Human Society Spreading Krsna consciousness Prabhupada's pastimes Direct instruction to disciples
0224 Constructing Your Big Building on a Defective Foundation Receive knowledge Goal of KC movement Imperfections of living being Importance of inquiry Krishna's omnipotence
0225 Don't be Disappointed, Don't be Confused Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0226 Propagating God's Name, Glory, Activities, Beauty and Love Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation
0227 Why I die? I Do Not Like To Die Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Do not speculate Imperfections of living being Goal of KC movement
0228 Realize How to Become Immortal Misdirected civilization Maya's potencies Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples
0229 I Want to See that One Disciple has Understood Kishna's Philosophy Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0230 According to Vedic civilization, There are Four Divisions of the Society Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Misdirected civilization Spreading Krsna consciousness
0231 Bhagavan Means Who is the Proprietor of the Whole Universe Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Do not speculate Receive knowledge
0232 There are Jealous Enemies of God Also. They are Called Demons Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being
0233 We Get Krishna Consciousness Through the Mercy of Guru and Krishna Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0234 To Become a Devotee is the Greatest Qualification Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence
0235 Unqualified Guru Means Who Does not Know How to Guide the Disciple Becoming Guru Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0236 A Brahmana, a Sannyasi can Beg Alms, but not a Kshatriya, not a Vaishya Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0237 We Become in Touch with Krishna by Chanting His Name, Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Hear to receive
0238 God is Good, He is All-good Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Worldly affairs
0239 To Understand Krishna, One Requires Special Senses Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Devotional service
0240 There is no More Better Worship Than What was Conceived by the Gopis Devotional service Devotee's influence Learn to see God Freedom from materiality
0241 The Senses are Just Like Serpents Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Description of human society Act in proper consciousness
0242 It is Very Difficult to Take us Back to the Original Process of Civilization Description of human society Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Devotee's influence
0243 A disciple Comes to the Guru for Enlightenment Explanatory story to audience Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0244 Our Philosophy is that Everything Belongs to God Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0245 Everyone is Trying to Satisfy His or Her Senses Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Imperfections of living being Devotional service Characteristics of creation
0246 Anyone who Becomes a Devotee of Krishna, all Good Qualities Manifest in his Body Enjoyer and enjoyed Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Reason for God's appearance
0247 Real Religion Means to Love God Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness The object of surrender Devotional service
0248 Krishna had 16,108 wives, and almost in each time He had to fight, to gain the wife Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Worldly affairs
0249 The Question was Raised that, Why War Takes Place? Description of human society Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service
0250 Act for Krishna, Act for God, Not for Your Personal Interest Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience The object of surrender Turn to Guru
0251 The gopis are Eternal Associates of Krishna The object of surrender Krishna's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Devotee's influence Characteristics of creation
0252 We are Thinking That we are Independent Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality
0253 Real Happiness is Described in the Bhagavad-gita Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru Freedom from materiality
0254 Vedic Knowledge is Explained by Guru Transmigration of the soul Turn to Guru Devotional service Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality
0255 In God's Government There Must be so Many Directors, They are Called Demigods Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0256 In this Kali-yuga Krishna has Come in the Form of His Name, Hare Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation Reason for God's appearance Freedom from materiality
0257 How You Can Supersede the Laws of the Lord? Goal of KC movement Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0258 Constitutionally We Are All Servants Maya's potencies The object of surrender Devotional service Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs
0259 Reinstated in the Transcendental Platform of Loving Krishna The object of surrender Devotional service Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs
0260 By the Dictation of the Senses We are Committing Sinful Activities Life after Life The object of surrender Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Devotional service
0261 The Lord and the Devotee, They Are on the Same Status Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence
0262 Always Think that Our Service is Not Complete Devotional service Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being
0263 If You Have Taken Up this Formula Very Nicely, then You Will go on Preaching Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence
0264 Maya is also Serving Krishna, but there is No Thanks Maya's potencies Devotional service False gods Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation
0265 Bhakti Means to Serve Hrsikesa, the Master of the Senses Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Devotee's influence
0266 Krishna is the Perfect Brahmacari Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna
0267 Vyasadeva has Described What is Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Maya's potencies Description of human society Chant Hare Krishna
0268 Nobody can Understand Krishna Without Becoming a Pure Devotee of Krishna Devotee's influence Devotional service Maya's potencies Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness
0269 By Rascal Interpretation you Cannot Understand Bhagavad-gita Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience The object of surrender Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being
0270 Everyone has Got his Natural Propensities Turn to Guru Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence
0271 Krishna's Name is Acyuta. He Never Falls Down Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Description of human society
0272 Bhakti is transcendental Maya's potencies Description of human society Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0273 Arya-samana Means Krishna Conscious Person Spreading Krsna consciousness Misdirected civilization Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Turn to Guru
0274 We Belong to the Brahma-sampradaya Turn to Guru Explanatory story to audience Misdirected civilization
0275 Dharma Means Duty Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Turn to Guru The object of surrender
0276 Guru's Business is How to Give you Krishna, Not any Material Things Receive knowledge Becoming Guru Turn to Guru Worldly affairs The object of surrender
0277 Krsna Consciousness Means to Have all Kinds of Knowledge Receive knowledge Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence
0278 Disciple Means who Accepts the Discipline The object of surrender Receive knowledge Maya's potencies Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness
0279 Actually We Are Serving Money Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Importance of inquiry Devotional service Imperfections of living being
0280 Devotional Service Means Purifying the Sense Devotional service Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness
0281 Man is Animal, but Rational Animal Description of human society Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Misdirected civilization Importance of inquiry
0282 We Have to Follow the Footprints of the Acaryas Receive knowledge Description of human society Reason for God's appearance Do not speculate Follow the Acaryas
0283 Our Program Is To Love Devotional service Misdirected civilization The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0284 My Nature Is To Be Subordinate Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender Devotional service Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs
0285 The Only Lovable Object is Krsna and His land Vrndavana Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Description of human society The object of surrender Receive knowledge
0286 Perverted Reflection of the Pure Love that is Existing Between You and Krsna Act in proper consciousness Devotional service The object of surrender Direct instruction to disciples Imperfections of living being
0287 Revive Your Memory, Your Love for Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0288 When You Speak of God, Do You Know what is the Definition of God? Krishna's omnipotence False gods Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0289 Whoever Comes From the Kingdom of God - They Are The Same Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge
0290 When Your Lust is Not Fulfilled, Then You Are Angry Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness
0291 I Don't Wish To Be Subordinate, Don't Wish To Bow Down - That is Your Disease Imperfections of living being Direct instruction to disciples The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0292 Find Out The Supreme by Your Pursuit of Knowledge Learn to see God The object of surrender Description of human society Receive knowledge Krishna's omnipotence
0293 Twelve Kinds of Rasas, Humor Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence The object of surrender
0294 Six Points of Surrender Unto Krishna The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience Prabhupada's pastimes Direct instruction to disciples Devotional service
0295 One Living Force is Supplying all the Demands of all other Living Entities Enjoyer and enjoyed Learn to see God Krishna's omnipotence Characteristics of creation
0296 Although Lord Jesus Christ was Crucified, He Never Changed His Opinion Learn to see God Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Follow the Acaryas Importance of inquiry
0297 Inquisitive to Understand the Absolute Truth - he Requires a Spiritual Master Turn to Guru Importance of inquiry The object of surrender Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness
0298 If You Are Anxious to Serve Krishna, That is the Real Asset Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples Importance of inquiry
0299 A Sannyasi Cannot Meet His Wife Description of human society Explanatory story to audience
0300 The Original Person is Not Dead Goal of KC movement Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Krishna's omnipotence
0301 The Most Intelligent Persons - They are Dancing Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna
0302 People Are Not Inclined to Surrender Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Receive knowledge Imperfections of living being Description of human society
0303 Transcendental. You Are Beyond Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Freedom from materiality
0304 Maya Cannot Cover the Supreme Whole Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation
0305 We Say God is Dead. So We Have to Uncover Our Eyes From this Illusion Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0306 We Should Submit Our Doubtful Questions Importance of inquiry Hear to receive Chant Hare Krishna Meditation on God Act in proper consciousness
0307 Not Only Thinking of Krishna, But Also Working for Krishna, Feeling for Krishna Meditation on God The object of surrender Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness
0308 Function of the Soul is Krishna Consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality Spreading Krsna consciousness Characteristics of creation
0309 Spiritual Master is Eternal Importance of inquiry Turn to Guru Receive knowledge Do not speculate Explanatory story to audience
0310 Jesus is the Representative of God, and Hari-nama is God Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience
0311 We are Giving New Light - Meditation will fail. You take this Importance of inquiry Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience
0312 Man is Rational Animal Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness
0313 All Credit Goes to Krishna Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence False gods Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation
0314 Not So Much Attention for the Body, but Full Attention for the Soul Chant Hare Krishna The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs
0315 We are So Stubborn, We are Trying to Forget Krishna Again and Again Spreading Krsna consciousness Follow the Acaryas Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Imperfections of living being
0316 Don't Try to Imitate, That is Very Dangerous Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Explanatory story to audience Follow the Acaryas
0317 We are not Surrendering to Krishna. This is the Disease Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender False gods
0318 Come to the Sunshine Worldly affairs Animal killing Goal of KC movement Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness
0319 Accept God, Your Position as God's Servant and Serve God Spreading Krsna consciousness Reason for God's appearance Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0320 We are Teaching How to Become Bhagyavan, Fortunate The object of surrender Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Receive knowledge Freedom from materiality
0321 Always Connected with the Original Powerhouse Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples
0322 The Body is Awarded by God According to Your Karma Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Goal of KC movement Explanatory story to audience Transmigration of the soul
0323 Creating a Society of Swans, Not of Crows Freedom from materiality Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs
0324 History Means to Understand the Activities of the First-class Man Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Goal of KC movement Act in proper consciousness
0325 Try to Spread this KC Movement and this is your Sadhana Spreading Krsna consciousness Meditation on God Freedom from materiality Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0326 God is the Supreme Father, God is the Supreme Proprietor, God is the Supreme Friend Transmigration of the soul Goal of KC movement Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness
0327 The Living Being, is Within this Body, the Gross Body and the Subtle Body Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge
0328 This KC Movement is All-embracing Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Description of human society Receive knowledge Goal of KC movement
0329 Kill a Cow or Kill a Vegetable, The Sinful Reaction is There Animal killing Devotee's influence Devotional service Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness
0330 Everyone Individually Has to Take Care of Himself Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Maya's potencies Spreading Krsna consciousness Freedom from materiality
0331 Real Happiness is to Go Back to Home, Back to Godhead Imperfections of living being Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge
0332 There can be Very Peaceful Condition of the Whole World Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Goal of KC movement Do not speculate
0333 Educating Everyone to Become Divine Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Misdirected civilization
0334 The Real Necessity of Life is to Supply the Comforts of the Soul Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Krishna Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0335 Educating People to Become First-class Yogi Imperfections of living being Enjoyer and enjoyed Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Maya's potencies
0336 How is it, They are Mad After God? Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness
0337 Don't Waste Your Time Bothering about this So-called Happiness and Distress Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender
0338 What is the Value of this Democracy? All Fools and Rascals Description of human society Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness
0339 God is the Predominator - We are Predominated Freedom from materiality Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrenders
0340 You are not Meant for Death, but Nature is Forcing You Spreading Krsna consciousness Imperfections of living being Freedom from materiality
0341 One Who is Intelligent, He will Take this Process Explanatory story to audience The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0342 We are All Individual Persons, and Krishna is Also Individual Person Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience
0343 We are Trying to Educate the Mudhas Krishna's omnipotence Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna
0344 Srimad-Bhagavatam, Simply Dealing with Bhakti Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Worldly affairs Goal of KC movement
0345 Krishna is Sitting in Everyone's Heart Krishna's omnipotence Worldly affairs Enjoyer and enjoyed Goal of KC movement Spreading Krsna consciousness
0346 Without Preaching, Without Understanding Philosophy, you Cannot Keep your Strength Four regulative principles Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0347 First of all you Take your Birth where Krishna is now Present Transmigration of the soul Meditation on God Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0348 If for Fifty Years One Chants Simply Hare Krishna, He is Sure to Become Perfect The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation Chant Hare Krishna
0349 I Simply Believed what was Spoken by My Guru Maharaja Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0350 We are Trying to Make the People Qualified to see Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Learn to see God Goal of KC movement
0351 You Write Something; the Aim Should be Simply to Glorify the Supreme Act in proper consciousness Devotee's influence Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence
0352 This Literature will Revolutionize the Whole World Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0353 Don't Waste Your Time How to Solve Your Economic Problems Krishna's omnipotence Misdirected civilization Direct instruction to disciples Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness
0354 Blind Man Leading Other Blind Men Description of human society Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs
0355 I Am Speaking Something Revolutionary Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples
0356 We are not Working Whimsically. We are Taking Authoritative Version from Sastra Description of human society Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Devotional service
0357 I Want to Begin One Revolution Against Godless Civilization Prabhupada's pastimes Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0358 In this Life we Shall Make a Solution. No more. No more Coming Again Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilization Imperfections of living being Goal of KC movement
0359 One has to Learn this Science from the Parampara System Receive knowledge Description of human society Follow the Acaryas Becoming Guru Krishna's omnipotence
0360 We don't Approach Krishna Directly. We must Begin our Service to Krishna's Servant Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Follow the Acaryas
0361 They Are My Gurus. I Am Not Their Guru Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness The object of surrender
0362 As We Have Got Twelve GBC's, Similarly Krishna Has Got GBC's Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Becoming Guru Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0363 Somebody Will be your Friend, and Somebody Will be your Enemy Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Maya's potencies Worldly affairs
0364 To Become Fit for Going Back to Home, Back to Godhead, it is Not so Easy Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Description of human society Freedom from materiality Goal of KC movement
0365 Don't Make It (ISKCON) a Stool Society - Make It a Honey Society Description of human society Receive knowledge Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience
0366 All of You - Become Guru, but Don't Speak Nonsense Becoming Guru Spreading Krsna consciousness Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples
0367 Vrndavana Means that Krishna Is the Center Receive knowledge Becoming Guru Spreading Krsna consciousness Transmigration of the soul The object of surrender
0368 You are Foolishly Thinking that you are Not Eternal Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Receive knowledge Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness
0369 My disciples They are Part and Parcel of Me Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Becoming Guru Act in proper consciousness
0370 So Far I am Concerned, I Don't Take any Credit Freedom from materiality Spreading Krsna consciousness Receive knowledge Prabhupada's pastimes
0371 The Purport to Amara Jivana Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0372 The Purport to Anadi Karama Phale Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being The object of surrender
0373 The Purport to Bhajahu Re Mana Meditation on God Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs Devotee's influence Devotional service
0374 The Purport to Bhajahu Re Mana part one Meditation on God Devotee's influence Devotional service Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness
0375 The Purport to Bhajahu Re Mana part two Hear to receive Devotional service Turn to Guru Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender
0376 The Purport to Bhajahu Re Mana Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Devotional service
0377 The Purport to Bhajahu Re Mana Devotee's influence Devotional service Worldly affairs Goal of KC movement The object of surrender
0378 The Purport to Bhuliya Tomare The object of surrender Devotee's influence Characteristics of creation Devotional service Maya's potencies
0379 The Purport to Dasavatara Stotra Characteristics of creation Reason for God's appearance Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience
0380 The Purport to Dasavatara Stotra Characteristics of creation Reason for God's appearance Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience
0381 The Purport to Dasavatara Stotra Characteristics of creation Reason for God's appearance Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience
0382 The Purport to Dasavatara Stotra Characteristics of creation Reason for God's appearance Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience
0383 The Purport to Gaura Pahu Devotee's influence Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna Devotional service Freedom from materiality
0384 The Purport to Gauranga Bolite Habe Devotee's influence Devotional service Freedom from materiality Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender
0385 The Purport to Gauranga Bolite Habe Devotee's influence Chant Hare Krishna Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness Receive knowledge
0386 The Purport to Gaurangera Duti Pada The object of surrender Reason for God's appearance Devotional service Meditation on God Freedom from materiality
0387 The Purport to Gaurangera Duti Pada Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Freedom from materiality Spreading Krsna consciousness
0388 The Purport to Hare Krsna Mantra Chant Hare Krishna Characteristics of creation Hear to receive Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence
0389 The Purport to Hari Hari Biphale Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna The object of surrender
0390 The Purport to Jaya Radha-Madhava Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Goal of KC movement Transmigration of the soul Direct instruction to disciples
0391 The Purport to Manasa Deha Geha The object of surrender Devotional service Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence Freedom from materiality
0392 The Purport to Narada Muni Bajay Vina Devotee's influence Devotional service Hear to receive
0393 The Purport to Nitai Guna Mani Amara Devotee's influence Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness Krishna's omnipotence
0394 The Purport to Nitai-Pada-Kamala Devotee's influence Worldly affairs The object of surrender Freedom from materiality Devotional service
0395 The Purport to Parama Koruna Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotional service Chant Hare Krishna Four regulative principles
0396 The Purport to Prayers of King Kulasekhara Devotee's influence Meditation on God Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples
0397 The Purport to Radha-Krsna Bol Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Devotee's influence The object of surrender Devotional service
0398 The Purport to Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Devotee's influence Reason for God's appearance Spreading Krsna consciousness Follow the Acaryas The object of surrender
0399 The Purport to Sri Nama, Gay Gaura Madhur Sware Chant Hare Krishna Maya's potencies Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality Transmigration of the soul
0400 The Purport to Sri Sri Siksastakam Receive knowledge Chant Hare Krishna Freedom from materiality Hear to receive Act in proper consciousness
0401 The Purport Excerpt to Sri Sri Siksastakam Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness
0402 The Purport to Vibhavari Sesa Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience
0403 The Purport to Vibhavari Sesa Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna Devotee's influence
0404 Take this Sword of Krishna Consciousness Hear to receive Freedom from materiality Prabhupada's pastimes Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness
0405 The Demons Cannot Understand that the God Can be a Person. That is Demoniac Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being False gods
0406 Anyone Who Knows the Science of Krishna, He Can be Spiritual Master Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Chant Hare Krishna Becoming Guru Receive knowledge
0407 Life History of Haridasa is that He was Born in a Muhammadan Family Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Chant Hare Krishna Becoming Guru Receive knowledge
0408 Ugra-karma Means Ferocious Activities Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Goal of KC movement Freedom from materiality

0409 There is no question of interpretation in the Bhagavad-gita Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0410 Our Friends, They Have Already Begun Translating Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Goal of KC movement Misdirected civilization Receive knowledge
0411 They have Manufactured a Gorgeous Truck: "Gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut, gut" Maya's potencies The object of surrender Freedom from materiality Direct instruction to disciples Misdirected civilization
0412 Krishna Wants That This Krishna Consciousness Movement Must Be Spread The object of surrender Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Becoming Guru False gods
0413 By Chanting, We can Come to the Highest Stage of Perfection - Prabhupada Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Misdirected civilization Reason for God's appearance Description of human society
0414 Approach the Original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Description of human society Explanatory story to audience
0415 Within Six Months You'll Become God Transmigration of the soul Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness False gods Chant Hare Krishna
0416 Simply Chanting, Dancing, and Eating Nice Sweetballs, Kachori Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0417 Happy In This Life and Next Life Direct instruction to disciples Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul
0418 Initiation Means Beginning of the Activities Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Explanatory story to audience Chant Hare Krishna Four regulative principles
0419 Initiation Means the Third Stage of Krishna Consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Four regulative principles Chant Hare Krishna Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0420 Don't Think That You Are Maidservant Of This World Spreading Krsna consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Devotional service
0421 Ten Offenses to Avoid while Chanting the Maha-mantra - 1 to 5 - Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Devotional service
0422 Ten Offenses to Avoid while Chanting the Maha-mantra - 6 to 10 - Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Devotional service
0423 I am Laboring so Hard for You, But you Don't Take Advantage Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness Receive knowledge
0424 You Take Full Advantage of this Vedic Culture Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Hear to receive Act in proper consciousness
0425 They Might Have Made Some Changes Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness Follow the Acaryas Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0426 One Who is Learned, He Does Not Lament Either for the Living or for the Dead Body Misdirected civilization Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0427 Soul is Different from the Gross Body and the Subtle Body Description of human society Act in proper consciousness Characteristics of creation
0428 The Special Prerogative of the Human Being is to Understand Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Direct instruction to disciples Krishna's omnipotence

0429 Krishna is the Name of God. Krishna Means the All-attractive, All-good Misdirected civilization Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Chant Hare Krishna Krishna's omnipotence
0430 Caitanya Mahaprabhu Says That Each and Every Name of God is as Powerful as God Krishna's omnipotence Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Importance of inquiry Spreading Krsna consciousness
0431 God is Actually Perfect Friend of all Living Entities Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Enjoyer and enjoyed Receive knowledge
0432 As Long As You Are Reading, The Sun Is Unable To Take Your Life Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Hear to receive Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness
0433 We Say 'You Shall Not Have Illicit Sex' Receive knowledge Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Chant Hare Krishna
0434 Don't Hear the Cheaters and Don't Try to Cheat Others Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0435 We Are Perplexed With These All Worldly Problems Explanatory story to audience Maya's potencies Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness
0436 Cheerful in all Cases and Interested Simply in Krishna Consciousness Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness
0437 Conchshell Is Considered Very Pure, Transcendental Explanatory story to audience Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness
0438 Cow Dung Dried and Burned into Ashes is used as Toothpowder Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Follow the Acaryas Receive knowledge
0439 My Spiritual Master Found Me A Great Fool Turn to Guru Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Receive knowledge
0440 The Mayavadi Theory is that the Ultimate Spirit is Impersonal Krishna's omnipotence Do not speculate Worldly affairs Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness
0441 Krishna is the Supreme, and We Are Fragmental Parts Krishna's omnipotence Maya's potencies Explanatory story to audience Receive knowledge
0442 In Christian Theology, one Prays to God, 'Give us our Daily Bread' Transmigration of the soul Receive knowledge Imperfections of living being The object of surrender Explanatory story to audience
0443 There is no Question of Impersonalism Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence
0444 Gopis Are Not Conditioned Souls. They Are Liberated Spirits Devotional service Devotee's influence Freedom from materiality Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0445 This Has Become a Fashion, to Equalize Narayana With Everyone Krishna's omnipotence Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0446 Don't Try To Separate Laksmi From Narayana Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Reason for God's appearance Krishna's omnipotence
0447 Be Careful Not to Mix with Nondevotee who Imagines about God Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being
0448 We Should Take Lessons of God from Sastra, from Guru and from Sadhu Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness Do not speculate
0449 By Bhakti, You Can Control the Supreme Lord. That is the Only Way Explanatory story to audience Devotional service Devotee's influence Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender
0450 Don't Bring any Material Desire in Executing Devotional Service Devotee's influence Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Transmigration of the soul
0451 You Do Not Know Who is Devotee, How to Worship Him, Then We Remain Kanistha-adhikari Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Receive knowledge
0452 Krishna Comes Upon this Earth Once in Brahma's Day Reason for God's appearance Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Devotional service Krishna's omnipotence
0453 Believe It! There Is No More Superior Authority Than Krishna Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Imperfections of living being Chant Hare Krishna
0454 Very Risky Life If We Do Not Awaken Our Divya-Jnana Receive knowledge Maya's potencies Explanatory story to audience Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness
0455 Do Not Apply Your Poor Logic In The Matters Which Is Inconceivable By You Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs
0456 The Living Entity Which Is Moving The Body, That Is Superior Energy Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Devotional service Learn to see God
0457 Only Scarcity is Krishna Consciousness Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence
0458 Chanting Hare Krishna - Touching Krishna With Your Tongue Chant Hare Krishna Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples
0459 Prahlada Maharaja Is One Of The Mahajanas, Authorized Persons Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Meditation on God Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness
0460 Prahlada Maharaja Is Not Ordinary Devotee; He Is Nitya-Siddha Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness Krishna's omnipotence
0461 "I Can Do Without Guru" - That Is Nonsense Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples The object of surrender
0462 Vaisnava aparadha is a great offense Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples
0463 If You Train Up Your Mind Simply To Think Of Krishna,Then You Are Safe Devotee's influence Transmigration of the soul Maya's potencies Meditation on God Act in proper consciousness
0464 Sastra Is Not For The Loafer Class Devotee's influence Follow the Acaryas Goal of KC movement Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0465 Vaisnava Is Powerful, But Still He Is Very Meek And Humble Devotee's influence Explanatory story to audience Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Worldly affairs
0466 Black Snake Is Less Harmful Than The Man Snake Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples Follow the Acaryas Devotee's influence
0467 Because I Have Taken Shelter of Krishna's Lotus Feet, I Am Safe Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence The object of surrender Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0468 Simply Inquire and be Ready How to Serve Krishna Importance of inquiry Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness Devotional service The object of surrender
0469 Defeated or Victorious, Depend on Krishna. But Fighting Must Be There Devotional service Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Freedom from materiality
0470 Mukti Is Also Another Cheating Freedom from materiality Explanatory story to audience Animal killing Devotional service Devotee's influence
0471 Easiest Way to Please Krishna - Simply You Require Your Heart Devotional service Devotee's influence Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience Direct instruction to disciples
0472 Don't Remain in this Darkness. Just Transfer Yourself to the Kingdom of Light Krishna's omnipotence The object of surrender Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Explanatory story to audience
0473 Darwin Has Taken The Idea of Evolution From This Padma Purana Worldly affairs Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul
0474 Aryans Means Those Who Are Advanced Importance of inquiry Description of human society Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0475 We Shudder as Soon as we Hear That we Have to Become Servant of God The object of surrender Devotional service Devotee's influence Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness
0476 Dependence is Not Bad if There is Dependence on the Proper Place The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Freedom from materiality
0477 We Have not Manufactured a New Type of Religious Sect or Method of Philosophy Spreading Krsna consciousness Goal of KC movement Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Importance of inquiry
0478 Here is a Television Box Within Your Heart Follow the Acaryas Turn to Guru Receive knowledge Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0479 When you Understand your Actual Position, Then your Activities Actually Begin Importance of inquiry Worldly affairs Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness
0480 God Cannot be Impersonal, Because we are all Persons Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Transmigration of the soul Receive knowledge
0481 Krishna is All-attractive, Krishna is Beautiful Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Devotional service Act in proper consciousness
0482 Mind is the vehicle for being attached Characteristics of creation Explanatory story to audience Krishna's omnipotence Imperfections of living being
0483 How You Can Think of Krishna Unless You Develop Love for Krishna? Meditation on God Spreading Krsna consciousness Turn to Guru Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples
0484 Bhava is Mature Condition of Prema Devotional service Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Spreading Krsna consciousness Act in proper consciousness
0485 Any Pastimes made by Kishna, that is Observed in Ceremonial Form by the Devotees Explanatory story to audience Devotee's influence Devotional service
0486 In the Material World the Energy is Sex, and in the Spiritual World it is Love Maya's potencies Explanatory story to audience Description of human society Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs
0487 Whether it is Bible, Koran or Bhagavad-gita, - We Have to See What is the Fruit Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Spreading Krsna consciousness Description of human society
0488 Where is the Fighting? If you Love God, then you Love Everyone. That is the Sign Worldly affairs Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Meditation on God Act in proper consciousness
0489 By Chanting on the Street, You are Distributing Sweetballs Chant Hare Krishna Spreading Krsna consciousness Hear to receive Act in proper consciousness Meditation on God
0490 Within the Womb of the Mother in an Airtight Condition for so Many Months Transmigration of the soul Krishna's omnipotence Explanatory story to audience Prabhupada's pastimes Receive knowledge
0491 Against My Will So Many Distresses Are There Transmigration of the soul Maya's potencies Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness
0492 Buddha Philosophy is That you Dismantle this Body, Nirvana Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Misdirected civilisation Receive knowledge
0493 When this Gross Body is Resting, the Subtle Body is Working Transmigration of the soul Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality
0494 Napoleon Constructed Strong-built Arches, but Where He Has Gone, Nobody Knows Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0495 Let me Close my Eyes. I am Out of Danger Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Worldly affairs Receive knowledge
0496 Sruti Means we Hear from the Highest Authority Goal of KC movement Receive knowledge Maya's potencies Imperfections of living being Reason for God's appearance
0497 Everyone is Trying not to Die Transmigration of the soul Imperfections of living being Explanatory story to audience Receive knowledge Freedom from materiality
0498 As Soon as I Give up this Body, all my Skyscraper Building, Business — Finished Act in proper consciousness Transmigration of the soul Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs
0499 Vaisnava is very Kind-hearted, Merciful, Because He Feels for Others Explanatory story to audience Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Meditation on God Worldly affairs
0500 You Cannot Become Permanently Happy in this Material World Worldly affairs Spreading Krsna consciousness Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story to audience
0501 We Cannot be Anxiety-free Unless we Come to Krishna Consciousness Misdirected civilisation Spreading Krsna consciousness Freedom from materiality Description of human society Act in proper consciousness
0502 Give up Nonsense Conceptions - Take the Broader Life of Krishna Consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness Importance of inquiry Receive knowledge Turn to Guru
0503 To Accept Guru Means to Inquire from Him About the Absolute Turn to Guru Importance of inquiry Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness Goal of KC movement
0504 We Have to Study Srimad-Bhagavatam from all Angles of Vision Characteristics of creation Krishna's omnipotence Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Description of human society
0505 You Cannot Save the Body. That is not Possible Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Receive knowledge Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs
0506 Your Eyes Should be the Sastra. Not these Blunt Eyes Learn to see God Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Description of human society Explanatory story to audience
0507 By Your Direct Experience, you Cannot Calculate Imperfections of living being Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness
0508 Those who are Animal Killers, their Brain is Dull as Stone Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation Animal killing Act in proper consciousness
0509 These People say the Animals Have no Soul Explanatory story to audience Animal killing Reason for God's appearance Act in proper consciousness Receive knowledge
0510 The Modern Civilization, they have no Knowledge of the Soul Misdirected civilisation Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness
0511 Real Starvation is of the Soul. The Soul is not Getting Spiritual Food Imperfections of living being Freedom from materiality Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Transmigration of the soul
0512 Those who have Surrendered to the Material Nature, he has to Suffer Misdirected civilisation Imperfections of living being The object of surrender Freedom from materiality Animal killing
0513 There are so Many Other Bodies, 8,400,000 Different Types of Bodies Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Description of human society Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness
0514 Here, Pleasure Means a Little Absence of Pain Explanatory story to audience Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Receive knowledge
0515 You Cannot be Happy, Sir, So Long you Have Got this Material Body Transmigration of the soul Explanatory story to audience Act in proper consciousness Misdirected civilisation Freedom from materiality
0516 You Can Attain a Life of Freedom - This is not Story or Fiction Freedom from materiality Characteristics of creation Meditation on God Explanatory story Transmigration of the soul
0517 Not that Because You are Born in a Rich Family, You'll be Immune from Diseases Imperfections of living being Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Explanatory story Characteristics of creation The object of surrender
0518 The Four Functions of Conditional Life Means Birth, Death, Old Age, and Disease Worldly affairs Explanatory story Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Meditation on God
0519 Kṛṣṇa Consciousness Persons, They are not after Will-o'-the-Wisp, Phantasmagoria Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Explanatory story Worldly affairs Transmigration of the soul Act in proper consciousness
0520 We are Chanting, We are Hearing, We are Dancing, We're Enjoying. Why? Devotional service Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Imperfections of living being The object of surrender Devotee's influence
0521 My Policy is Following the Footstep of Rupa Gosvami Follow the Acaryas Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being The object of surrender Direct instruction to disciples
0522 If you Chant Sincerely this Mantra, Everything will be Clear Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Hear to receive Imperfections of living being Receive knowledge Freedom from materiality
0523 Avatara Means who Comes from a Higher Sphere, Higher Planet Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Reason for God's appearance Explanatory story
0524 Arjuna is Eternal Friend of Kṛṣṇa. He Cannot be in Delusion Transmigration of the soul Devotee's influence Explanatory story Importance of inquiry
0525 Māyā is Strong, as Soon as You are a Little Confident, Immediately there is Attack Māyā's potencies Devotional service Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0526 If we Catch Kṛṣṇa very Strongly, Māyā Cannot do Anything Devotional service Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa
0527 We are not Loser by Offering Kṛṣṇa. We Become Gainer Only Devotional service Act in proper consciousness Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Enjoyer and enjoyed Misdirected civilization
0528 Radharani is Kṛṣṇa's Pleasure Potency Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Learn to see God Meditation on God Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul
0529 Loving Affairs of Radha and Kṛṣṇa is Not Ordinary Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Freedom from materiality Worldly affairs Importance of inquiry
0530 One Can be Out of Distress when he Approaches Vishnu Importance of inquiry Misdirected civilization Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story
0531 As we Understand from Vedic Literature, Kṛṣṇa Has many Varieties of Potencies Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Māyā's potencies Enjoyer and enjoyed Explanatory story
0532 Kṛṣṇa's Enjoyment is Nothing Material Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Freedom from materiality Receive knowledge Explanatory story Act in proper consciousness
0533 Radharani is Hari-priya, Very Dear to Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Devotee's influence Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness Reason for God's appearance
0534 Don't Try to See Kṛṣṇa Artificially Learn to see God Devotional service Devotee's influence Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Receive knowledge
0535 We Living Entities, We Never Die, Never Take Birth Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Worldly affairs Receive knowledge Devotee's influence Explanatory story
0536 What is the Use of Studying Vedas if You do not Understand Kṛṣṇa? Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Receive knowledge Reason for God's appearance Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0537 Kṛṣṇa is Open to the Poorest Man for Being Worshiped Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Devotional service The object of surrender Māyā's potencies Devotee's influence
0538 Law Means the Word Given by the State. You Cannot Make Law at Home Reason for God's appearance Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Misdirected civilization Goal of KC movement Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa
0539 Try to Understand this Kṛṣṇa Consciousness Movement Direct instruction to disciples Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Reason for God's appearance Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality
0540 A Person Being Worshiped as Most Exalted Personality is Something Revolution Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness Do not speculate Receive knowledge
0541 If You Love Me, Love My Dog Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story Turn to Guru Importance of inquiry
0542 What is that Qualification of the Guru? How Everyone can Become Guru? Turn to Guru The object of surrender Receive knowledge Becoming Guru Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes
0543 It is not That you Have to Make a Gigantic Show of Becoming Guru Direct instruction to disciples Becoming Guru Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Goal of KC movement Act in proper consciousness
0544 We are Especially Stressing on the Mission of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Goal of KC movement
0545 Real Welfare Activity Means to See to the Interest of the Soul Enjoyer and enjoyed Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Act in proper consciousness Transmigration of the soul
0546 Publish Books as Many as Possible and Distribute Throughout the Whole World Māyā's potencies Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes Goal of KC movement Direct instruction to disciples
0547 I Thought 'I shall first of all become very rich man; then I shall preach' Māyā's potencies Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes Devotee's influence Explanatory story
0548 If You Have Come to the Point of Sacrificing Everything for Hari The object of surrender Devotee's influence Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Devotional service
0549 The Real Purpose of Yoga is to Control the Senses The object of surrender Explanatory story Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Devotional service Māyā's potencies
0550 Don't Run After this Mirage - Just Turn Back to Godhead The object of surrender Devotee's influence Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Māyā's potencies Direct instruction to disciples
0551 Our Students Have Got Better Engagement - Sweetballs Act in proper consciousness Devotee's influence Worldly affairs Māyā's potencies Devotional service
0552 How to Stop this Repetition of Birth and Death - I am Drinking Poison Imperfections of living being Māyā's potencies Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness Devotional service
0553 You Don't Require to go to Himalaya. You Just Remain in Los Angeles City Enjoyer and enjoyed Direct instruction to disciples The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Devotional service
0554 In the Midst of the Pacific Ocean of this Mayika World Explanatory story Māyā's potencies Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality The object of surrender
0555 Sleeping In The Matter Of Spiritual Understanding Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0556 First Understanding of Self-realization, that Soul is Eternal Imperfections of living being Explanatory story Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness
0557 We Should Be Very Strongly Inclined to Krishna Consciousness Like Haridasa Thakura Freedom from materiality Explanatory story The object of surrender Devotee's influence Māyā's potencies
0558 Our Position is Marginal. At Any Moment, We Can Fall Down Imperfections of living being Explanatory story Characteristics of creation Transmigration of the soul Māyā's potencies
0559 They Foolishly Think - 'I am the monarch of all I survey' Imperfections of living being Misdirected civilization Māyā's potencies Worldly affairs Freedom from materiality
0560 Unless One Is Accepting Moral Character, We Don't Initiate Imperfections of living being False gods Misdirected civilization Māyā's potencies Worldly affairs
0561 Demigods Means Almost God. They Have Got All Godly Qualities Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Misdirected civilization
0562 My Authority is Vedic Literature Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Goal of KC Movement Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0563 Give the Dog a Bad Name and Hang it Worldly affairs Description of human society Explanatory story Misdirected civilization Animal killing
0564 I Say, 'Please obey God. Please try to love God.' That is My Mission Goal of KC Movement Description of human society Explanatory story Animal killing Act in proper consciousness
0565 I am Training them How to Control the Senses Worldly affairs Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Description of human society
0566 If the Leaders of the American People Come and Try to Understand this System Worldly affairs Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness
0567 I Want to Give this Culture to the World Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Goal of KC Movement Devotee's influence
0568 We are Simply Depending on Donation. If You Like, You Can Pay Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence
0569 'Swamiji, initiate me' I immediately say 'You have to follow these 4 principles' Devotional service Four regulative principles Misdirected civilization Animal killing Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness
0570 Even Misunderstanding Between Husband and Wife - No Question of Divorce Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Explanatory story
0571 One Should Not Remain in Family Life. That is Vedic Culture Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Act in proper consciousness Description of human society Explanatory story
0572 Why Should You Say? 'Oh, I cannot allow you to speak in my church' Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness
0573 I am Prepared to Talk with any God Conscious Man Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness False gods Act in proper consciousness Learn to see God
0574 You cannot Kill the Body without Sanction. That is Sinful Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness Animal killing Explanatory story
0575 They are Kept in Darkness and Ignorance Transmigration of the soul Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality Four regulative principles
0576 The Process should be How To Make Zero all these Propensities Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness Worldly affairs Four regulative principles
0577 So-called Philosophers, Scientists, All of Them, Rascals, Fools Worldly affairs Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul
0578 Simply Speak What Kṛṣṇa Says Act in proper consciousness Freedom from materiality Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Becoming Guru
0579 The Soul is Changing his Body Exactly as We Change our Garments Transmigration of the soul Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story Characteristics of creation
0580 We cannot Fulfill our Desires without Sanction of God Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Transmigration of the soul Enjoyer and enjoyed Worldly affairs
0581 If You Engage Yourself in the Service of Kṛṣṇa, You'll Find New Encouragement Freedom from materiality Devotional service Māyā's potencies Act in proper consciousness
0582 Kṛṣṇa is Sitting Within the Heart Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Devotional service Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story
0583 Everything is There in The Bhagavad-gītā Transmigration of the soul Enjoyer and enjoyed Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness Devotee's influence
0584 We become Cyuta, Fallen Down, but Kṛṣṇa is Acyuta Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Explanatory story
0585 A Vaiṣṇava is Unhappy by seeing Others Unhappy Devotee's influence Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs
0586 Actually this Acceptance of Body Does Not Mean I Die Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Explanatory story
0587 Every One of Us is Spiritually Hungry Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Explanatory story
0588 Whatever You Want Kṛṣṇa will Give You Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Enjoyer and enjoyed False gods Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence
0589 We are Disgusted with these Material Varieties Explanatory story Freedom from materiality Enjoyer and enjoyed Characteristics of creation False gods
0590 Purification means One Must Know that 'I am Not This Body, I am Spirit Soul' Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Devotional service Act in proper consciousness Enjoyer and enjoyed
0591 My Business is to Get Out of these Material Clutches Transmigration of the soul Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story Māyā's potencies
0592 You should Simply Come to Thinking of Krsna, that is Perfection Transmigration of the soul Meditation on God Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Goal of KC Movement Explanatory story
0593 As Soon as You Come to Krsna Consciousness, You become Joyful Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Freedom from materiality Hear to receive Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Devotee's influence
0594 Spirit Soul is Impossible to be Measured by our Material Instruments Characteristics of creation Freedom from materiality Imperfections of living being Māyā's potencies Explanatory story
0595 If You want Varieties You have to Take Shelter of a Planet Characteristics of creation Explanatory story Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence
0596 The Spirit cannot be Cut into Pieces Characteristics of creation Explanatory story Worldly affairs
0597 Krsna Consciousness is not Easy. You cannot have it Unless You Surrender Yourself Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Explanatory story Do not speculate
0598 We are Working Hard to Find out some Pleasure of Life Explanatory story Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Hear to receive Do not speculate
0599 Krsna Consciousness is not Easy. You cannot have it Unless You Surrender Yourself Reason for God's appearance Explanatory story Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence The object of surrender Devotee's influence
0600 We are not Prepared to Surrender, This is our Material Disease Reason for God's appearance The object of surrender Devotee's influence Explanatory story Freedom from materiality
0601 Caitya-guru means Who gives Conscience and Knowledge from Within The object of surrender Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Worldly affairs Explanatory story False gods
0602 The Father is the Leader of the Family Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples The object of surrender
0603 This Mrdanga will go Home to Home, Country to Country Transmigration of the soul Four regulative principles Māyā's potencies Description of human society Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness
0604 If I continue Krsna will be Pleased to Place me on the Transcendental Platform Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Freedom from materiality Explanatory story Hear to receive Act in proper consciousness
0605 Increase your Love for Vasudeva then there is no Chance of Contacting Material Body Devotional service Misdirected civilization Direct instruction to disciples Hear to receive Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa
0606 We are Preaching Bhagavad-gita as it is, That is the Difference Reason for God's appearance Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Goal of KC Movement Freedom from materiality Act in proper consciousness
0607 In our Society, You are all Godbrothers, Godsisters Imperfections of living being Worldly affairs Animal killing Act in proper consciousness Description of human society
0608 The Devotional Service, We have to Execute it with Patience, with Enthusiasm Four regulative principles Devotional service Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story
0609 You are so many Chanting Hare Krsna. That is my Success Śrīla Prabhupāda's pastimes Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Direct instruction to disciples
0610 Unless one takes to the Institution of Varna and Asrama, He's not a Human Being Description of human society Devotional service Receive knowledge
0611 If you Lose the Spirit of Service, this Temple will become a Big Go-down Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Worldly affairs Explanatory story
0612 Anyone who is Chanting Hare Krishna, Jihvāgre, with the Tongue, He is Glorious Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0613 The Six Things we have to take Particular Care Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Direct instruction to disciples Devotee's influence
0614 We should Be very much Careful, Falldown means a Gap of Millions of Years Act in proper consciousness Direct instruction to disciples Devotional service False gods Misdirected civilization
0615 Work for Krishna with Love and Enthusiasm, that is Your Krishna Conscious Life Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being Direct instruction to disciples Explanatory story Devotional service
0616 Brāhmaṇa, Kṣatriya, Vaiśya, Sūdra — That is the Natural Division Description of human society Follow the Acaryas Characteristics of creation
0617 There is no New Formula, It is the Same Vyāsa-pūjā, the Same Philosophy Act in proper consciousness Follow the Acaryas Direct instruction to disciples Misdirected civilization Explanatory story
0618 The Spiritual Master feels very Happy that 'This Boy has Advanced more than Me' Devotee's influence Follow the Acaryas Act in proper consciousness
0619 The Aim is how to Improve Spiritual Life, That is Grihastha-āśrama The object of surrender Act in proper consciousness Explanatory story Description of human society
0620 According to your Guna and Karma you are Engaged in a Particular Occupational Duty Description of human society Turn to Guru Act in proper consciousness Imperfections of living being
0621 Krishna Consciousness Movement Teaches to Become Submissive to the Authority Enjoyer and enjoyed Explanatory story Characteristics of creation The object of surrender Turn to Guru
0622 Those Who are Engaged in Krishna Consciousness, Associate with Them Goal of KC Movement Devotional service Devotee's influence Direct instruction to disciples Act in proper consciousness
0623 The Soul is Transmigrating from One Body to Another Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Worldly affairs
0624 The God is also Eternal and We are also Eternal Characteristics of creation Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence
0625 Necessities of Life are being Supplied by The Supreme Eternal, God Hear to receive Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Transmigration of the soul Explanatory story Imperfections of living being
0626 If you want to Learn factually Things then You should Approach Acaryar Turn to Guru Follow the Acaryas Hear to receive Act in proper consciousness The object of surrender
0627 Without Refreshness, One cannot Understand this Sublime Subject Matter Becoming Guru Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Explanatory story Act in proper consciousness
0628 We don't Accept such things as 'Perhaps,' 'Maybe.' No. We Accept what is Fact Transmigration of the soul Worldly affairs Explanatory story Do not speculate Act in proper consciousness
0629 We are Different Sons of God in Different Dresses Spreading Kṛṣṇa consciousness Goal of KC Movement Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Receive knowledge Act in proper consciousness
0630 There is no Cause for Lamentation, because Soul will Remain Characteristics of creation Act in proper consciousness
0631 I am Eternal, the Body is not Eternal, This is the Fact Characteristics of creation Imperfections of living being Transmigration of the soul Explanatory story
0632 If I Realize that I am Not this Body, then I Transcend the three Modes of Nature Māyā's potencies Imperfections of living being Freedom from materiality Explanatory story Characteristics of creation
0633 We are just like the Shining Sparks of Krsna Māyā's potencies Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Imperfections of living being Explanatory story The object of surrender
0634 Krishna is Never Affected by the Illusory Energy Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Māyā's potencies Explanatory story Imperfections of living being
0635 The Soul is there in Every Living Entities, even within the Ant Transmigration of the soul Characteristics of creation Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence
0636 Those who are Learned, they do not make Such Distinction, That it has No Soul Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Characteristics of creation Receive knowledge Transmigration of the soul Act in proper consciousness
0637 Without Krishna's Presence Nothing Can Exist Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence Explanatory story Worldly affairs Imperfections of living being
0638 That is the First-class Yogi, Who thinks of Krishna Always Meditation on God Act in proper consciousness Devotional service Learn to see God
0639 The Individual Soul is in Every Body and the Supersoul is the Real Proprietor Kṛṣṇa's omnipotence False gods
0640 You can Find out Rascal Declaring himself as God - Kick on his Face Characteristics of creation Chant Hare Kṛṣṇa Hear to receive Direct instruction to disciples